Super Junior: I did it for love

May 18, 2009 14:55

Title: I did it for love
Author: papered
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters/Pairings: Han Geng, Hanchul
Rating: PG
Word Count: 531
Summary: He has never fallen in love, and so he doesn't know for certain, but he thinks that if anything is love, it would be this.
Notes: This is far from something I'm really proud of, but it's good to get writing again after all this writer's block. Also, I love this song so much. ♥

Heechul has dark eyes and long lashes and sharp cheekbones that could cut hearts to pieces. He's slim, his waistline barely half of Han Geng's own, his figure deceptively delicate-looking but tongue sharp enough to cut down the world at a moment's notice.

(Sometimes, Han Geng wonders if Heechul would break if he were to reach up and wrap his hands around those thin wrists, or push the other against a wall with his own frame.)

He has never fallen in love, and so he doesn't know for certain, but he thinks that if anything is love, it would be this.

He wonders what would happen if one day, he actually walked up to Heechul and just said it out loud. Sometimes, he thinks he sees something in the way Heechul looks at him, something that makes him think (maybe) there was something there, that it wasn't just him - but then he thinks of those tragic stories (oh, Han Geng and Heechul, people would say. they used to be best friends, but something happened - no one knows what - and now they don't talk anymore) and no, he could never willingly let themselves become that just for a glimmer of possibility (even if it's the possibility of grabbing the rainbow out of the sky).

"Yah, what are you thinking about," Heechul says, jabbing him in the side.

You, Han Geng stops himself from saying and answers in Chinese instead. "I love you. I think you're going to break my heart. But that's okay."

Heechul looks at him for a long minute, and for a second Han Geng wonders if the I love you had been understood, but then the other man rolls his eyes and goes "what the fuck was that, who do you think I am, Seasoning?" and Han Geng can still find it within himself to smile because this is Heechul and maybe this is the way things should be.

너라고 comes out, and is an instant hit. Heechul saunters over five minutes before they're due on the Inkigayo stage, hair and makeup all perfectly done. "Admit it, I'm totally hot," he says, fanning at himself and leering.

Han Geng feels his breath catch and something in his chest clench a little, and for a second, he's terrified that when he opens his mouth, 사랑해요 is going to come tumbling out - but thankfully Siwon is there to dimple in response, and then the moment passes and Han Geng (takes a deep breath) laughs instead.

"Everyone, we're going on now!" their manager shouts, and Heechul, with a roll of his eyes, sling his arms around both their necks before pulling them in the direction of the stage.

They fall into step effortlessly and behind them, Sungmin is laughing at a joke Kangin told at Heechul's expense. "Are you okay," Siwon asks quietly when Heechul turns to flip them off.

Han Geng's a little surprised (but then again, Siwon has always been unexpectedly perceptive) but smiles in response.

As they walk onto the stage, Han Geng meets Heechul's eyes. The other man smirks at him, and as the stadium explodes into screams and cheers, he thinks that he made the right decision after all.

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sj: hangeng pov, sj: hanchul, !fandom: super junior

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