super junior: dreams come true (我心飞翔)

Feb 04, 2009 20:20

Title: dreams come true (我心飞翔)
Author: papered
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters/Pairings: Zhou Mi, Kyumi
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1791
Summary: Kyumi for every day of the week.
Notes: This was originally going to be something else, but then that idea didn't get anywhere, so now there is this instead. For gnafron. :'D
gnafron: one day you will write fluffy kyumi, and then you can dedicate it to me :(


Zhou Mi is late on Monday.

The only bus that takes him to the campus on the other side of the city is behind schedule on the first day of class, and he'd been running ten minutes late to begin with because he'd managed to forget his portfolio on the kitchen counter and had to run back to grab it. The covered area by the stop is crammed full of early shoppers and businessmen and students like himself. When the bus finally comes, the crowd pushes their way in, the driver shouting for everyone to move as far back as they can. Zhou Mi finds himself pressed between an old lady carrying 青菜 in a basket and a man reading a newspaper.
(bok choy; a kind of vegetable)

They pull to a stop outside the university. Right as Zhou Mi is climbing off, the bus gives a sudden lurch and gravity sends the binder that had been clutched in his arms flying into the air and him falling forward into the back of a boy with long limbs and pale skin and fragments of snow littering his hair.

Sorry, Zhou Mi says, ducking his head, more apologies already falling from his lips. The other turns at the sound of his voice, and Zhou Mi sees his face clearly for the first time. There's nothing particularly remarkable about the boy's features, but something about the curve of his cheekbones and the steadiness of his gaze sends Zhou Mi's heart skittering.

It's alright, the boy says, giving him a quiet sort of smile before bending down to help him pick up the loose pieces of staff paper and scribbled music notes that had gone flying. You're taking composition?

Zhou Mi nods. I'm a music major, he explains, half-shrugging as he accepts the stack of papers the other returns to him. Thanks for your help.

He'd taken half a dozen steps when some impulse sends him turning back and calling out in the direction of the figure already halfway across the bus loop. It was nice meeting you! I'm Zhou Mi.

The dark head lifts in the direction of his voice. Zhou Mi can catch the smile aimed his way even from here, and something about it sends his pulse skidding down a highway.

I'm Kyuhyun.


The second time they meet, it's a Tuesday.

Zhou Mi's vocal lessons are twice a week, an hour and a half each, but seminars didn't start until the second week into term, and so he didn't realize until after walking into the room that there was a familiar face in the back of the class, third seat from the left.

For a second, he's not sure what to do, because it wasn't like they were friends or anything - he was just a stranger who'd managed to knock the other boy over on his way off the bus - but then Kyuhyun looks up and waves in his direction, and so Zhou Mi walks over and settles himself into the seat next to his.

Hey, he says, followed by, I didn't know you were majoring in music too because really, who else would be taking third year vocal courses?

I'm not, Kyuhyun tells him, and doesn't answer the unasked question.


When the professor starts the lecture with some background information and explains that they'll move on to the actual singing before the end of class, Kyuhyun leans determinedly over his notebook and fills the pages with cramped rows of writing. Zhou Mi can't help but think that he looks a little sad.

(It's not until a few weeks later that he finds out Kyuhyun's a business major, because his father is the CEO of some large technological company and expects his son to follow in his footsteps. All of Kyuhyun's music courses are electives, ones he pays for himself by working multiple shifts in some department store downtown.

Zhou Mi thinks it's all a big shame, because Kyuhyun has the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard.)


Wednesdays are short. It's Zhou Mi's shortest day of the week - he has theory and analysis bright and early in the morning, followed by composition, then improvision, and he's out of the music building where all his classes are by noon.

Usually, he packs lunch or just goes straight home, but it's a nice day outside despite the winter weather (it's still cold, he thinks, rubbing his fingers together and blowing on them, but the sunlight makes everything just a little warmer) and so Zhou Mi heads to the small café on the other side of campus.

The figure in front of him at the cashier line looks a little familiar, and Zhou Mi realizes why when the person turns around.

Oh, Kyuhyun says at the same time Zhou Mi says it's you, and there's a half a second of awkwardness before the coffee comes and Kyuhyun asks him what he's doing here and Zhou Mi tells him all about his day.

When Kyuhyun leaves for his econ class two hours later, they've made plans to meet for lunch the next day. Zhou Mi heads home at top speed because he really needs to get a start on his homework. Pulling off his jacket and throwing it onto a hanger, he hops into the bathroom to wash his hands, nearly tripping on a stack of books he'd left by the door in the process.

In the mirror, he's greeted by the foolish smile still plastered on his face.


Zhou Mi spends Thursday falling in love.


Midterms come around before long, and Kyuhyun's first one is on a Friday. Kyuhyun doesn't have class that day, and the exam itself isn't actually until seven so technically, he doesn't even need to come to school until the evening, but Zhou Mi finds him in the library before noon, glasses on, face buried in a thick textbook and brows furrowed in concentration.

He makes it his duty to drag Kyuhyun out for lunch, despite the younger boy's grumbling (because they both know Kyuhyun hardly needed to study more than he already had).

At 6:40pm, Zhou Mi walks the other boy over to the econ building and wishes him luck with a hug. Kyuhyun rolls his eyes, looking a little embarrassed, but gives him a quick peck on the cheek before running into the building.

Zhou Mi presses two fingers to the spot where Kyuhyun's lips had touched his cheek and can't keep the flush off his face.


On Saturdays, Zhou Mi likes to spend the day with Kyuhyun. It's actually a pointless sentiment, as all of their friends would say that they already spend every free second together anyway, but Zhou Mi ignores them all and calls Kyuhyun up every Saturday morning to make plans for the day.

Today, he gets on the bus and heads downtown.

Kyuhyun's washroom is larger than Zhou Mi's whole apartment, and his flat has a gorgeous view of the bustling streets below. The first time he'd been here, Zhou Mi had been a little intimidated, but then Kyuhyun had slapped him on the arm and told him to sit down, and that had been that.

There's a grand piano sitting in the middle of the living room, black in contrast to everything else. Every time he comes, Zhou Mi makes Kyuhyun play, and today is no different. The other boy grumbles and tries to refuse, as usual, but before long, he's settled down on the bench and long fingers are running over the black and white keys that sound like the rainbow in Zhou Mi's mind.

Kyuhyun stops playing about three quarters of the way through the piece and startles Zhou Mi out of his thoughts. His final note is a jarring bang - more of a frustrated drop of hands onto keys than any sort of chord - an abrupt staccato that rings in the air.

Are you okay, Zhou Mi doesn't ask, but entwines Kyuhyun's fingers in his and pulls him over the window instead. They lean against the glass of the balcony doors and watch the cars zoom by outside.

(I don't want to succeed my father's company, Kyuhyun says after a long moment of silence.

And you don't have to, Zhou Mi tells him, because life is about dreams and following your dreams - it's something he figured out a long time ago.

Kyuhyun is quiet - contemplative - for the next few days.)


A few weeks later, at 6am on a Sunday morning, Zhou Mi finds Kyuhyun banging down his door. The other boy looks like he hasn't slept all night, but there's a smile on his face and his face is flushed like he'd run all the way to Zhou Mi's apartment in the snow.

I did it, Kyuhyun tells him the second he opens the door, excitement and laughter bubbling out of him, a far cry from the normally more-reserved boy. I switched my Major - I just confirmed my form online.

Zhou Mi knows this is just the first step to a long journey - there's still transferring courses and dealing with Kyuhyun's father, and is the man still going to pay for Kyuhyun's tuition, and if not, how is Kyuhyun going to pay for all of his courses on his own - but taking in Kyuhyun's bright eyes and flushed face, he thinks that it's all going to be okay.


a year later

Zhou Mi's birthday falls on a Monday, and Kyuhyun takes him out for dinner at some fancy restaurant that Zhou Mi guesses probably cost far more than sensible. There's chocolate cake though, three spongy layers made fresh topped with strawberries and vanilla cream. Kissing the sweetness out of Kyuhyun's mouth afterwards, he thinks that maybe he shouldn't complain after all.

He makes Kyuhyun take him to the movie theatre later to see that new romance he'd been wanting to watch, the one where the main character is in love with the most popular boy from school but is too shy to admit it. Kyuhyun sighs loudly at his choice, but lets him have his way, and Zhou Mi grins in satisfaction and buys the popcorn.

The female lead spends most of the movie blushing and tripping over her feet trying to subtly impress the boy. Right before the end, when she's about the give up, the boy confesses his undying love for her and asks her to marry him.

Zhou Mi ends up crying. (“That's so sweet,” he sobs into Kyuhyun's sweater.) Kyuhyun rolls his eyes and pulls the tissue box he'd prepared out of his bag (which only makes Zhou Mi cry harder) and calls Zhou Mi a hormonal twelve-year-old girl.

(Later, sharing kisses back in Kyuhyun's apartment,) Zhou Mi calls it true love.

fic started: January 20, 2009
fic finished: February 4, 2009

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sj: kyumi, au: uni, sj: zhoumi pov, !fandom: super junior, category: slash, au

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