Super Junior: tell me I'm not wrong

Jan 19, 2009 17:20

Title: tell me I'm not wrong
Author: papered
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters/Pairings: Hankyung, Hanchul
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Hankyung can't resist - lets himself be pulled closer (too close) until their lips are mere hair widths apart.
Notes: With seouldout back in session, so are the short drabbles. :) Written for round 02 challenge 01 for the prompt breathing space.

Heechul smirks, slips a hand into his, entwining their fingers like the stems of wild ivy. Hankyung can't resist - lets himself be pulled closer (too close) until their lips are mere hair widths apart - his breath (and heart) stolen away years ago.

Heechul suddenly leans in, a vulture going for its prey, but before anyone can blink, he's gone again, the tingling on Hankyung's cheek the only sign that anything had happened.

The fans go wild.

Hankyung wonders if the pounding of his heart is real or just a trained reaction to too many years of pretending to be Hanchul.

fic written: January 8, 2009

+ Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Also! If you have a moment:


Even if you're not a writer yourself, it's an opportunity to get some more long!fic in this fandom, so help us pimp this out? Promotional banner post here; sign ups are open until the end of February. ♥

sj: hangeng pov, sj: hanchul, !fandom: super junior, category: slash

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