Super Junior: the evening is spread out against the sky

Feb 08, 2009 02:37

Title: the evening is spread out against the sky
Author: papered
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters/Pairings: Kangin, Kangteuk
Rating: G
Word Count: 716
Summary: there's a boy in your dreams, and he's been there for as long as you can remember.
Notes: Let's just call this an exercise in writing. :X


there's a boy in your dreams, and he's been there for as long as you can remember. you think he's older than you, but you can't be sure because everything about him is an oxymoron: you see the wisdom of the centuries written in his brows but his appearance remains youthful, and although his hair is littered with the stardust of generations long past, there's a freshness in his laughter that reminds you of the little boy with rosy cheeks who used to live in the apartment across from you.

who are you, you used to ask.

and he would smile at you, would say your guardian angel, like it's the most amusing thing he'd ever said, and his laughter would be so contagious (his answer so ridiculous) that you would laugh with him.

go to sleep, he tells you now, and it's another oxymoron (because you're asleep already - this is all a dream, isn't it?) but you close your eyes anyway after some mandatory grumbling because it's routine now (because he's been telling you this since you were a child) and listen to him hum some distantly familiar melody you first heard in another lifetime.

when you're eighteen, you're in an accident. you're on a flight to the other side of the continent when there's a problem with the engine and before anyone can react, the lights cut off and your world plummets. before your lungs fill with water, you think you see a flash of movement out of the corner of your eyes.

when you wake, you're in a room filled with beeping machines and display screens. the nurse tells you you've been unconcious for two days, and it's some kind of miracle because by all the laws of physics, you shouldn't be here.

and yet here you are, the sole surviver: a little shaken up but not a single scratch on you, because you landed just the right way in the water to minimize the impact, and a cruise boat had just happened to come by a few minutes later, and by some chance, there had been a paramedic team onboard.

you're a very lucky young man, the doctor tells you.

that's the last night you dream of the boy.


it's been three years, and you're a little famous now. you've been MCing for MNET for a year and running that radio program for a little over two, and sometimes, when you walk down the streets, people point at you and whisper behind their hands. look, they say. isn't that Kangin?

you're not sure how to feel about the attention, but these days, you just plow forward and take it all in stride.


hi, I'm Leeteuk. I'm very pleased to work with you.

at your silence, your manager subtly nudges you, and you know you're being rude because the other's smile is already starting to fade, the hand he'd offered you lowering, but you don't think you can move right now because it's him, and somehow that soft-spoken voice is even more familiar now than back when you'd heard it every time you went to sleep. his features send a pang of nostalgia through you - from the rise of cheekbones to the imbalanced one-sided dimple, and you think it's a little like falling.

I'm sorry, you startled me for a second, you say when you finally pull yourself together, and you know it's no real excuse, but he immediately smiles, any grudge forgotten. I'm sure we'll work well together.

you make sure to look carefully when he shakes your hand, but there's no spark of recognition in his eyes. you're a little disappointed - it's inevitable - but you surprise yourself by thinking that maybe, that's okay.

you notice the differences between him and him; it's hard not to. his hair is still brown, but there are no shards of burnt-out stars hidden amongst the strands, and his laugh is still the way you remember, but it's just an expression of amusement now without the echo of spring that used to be in every breath.

somehow though, (as you watch him trip over the leg of a chair and go tumbling to the floor in a display of lack of coordination) you think you prefer it like this.

fic written: Feb 6, 2009

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sj: kangteuk, sj: kangin pov, !fandom: super junior, category: slash, au

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