I just got a random text message in the middle of the afternoon with a crazy story that Steve Irwin was dead. Which I didn't believe since, that's like telling me Indiana Jones died, it can't possibly happen.
So I looked it up.
And by god it is true. Steven Irwin, is dead. Crikey.
I don't even like the man, but I feel like I've lost a national icon (comedic as he was). So those little beauties he went on about finally got him.
In other news:
Vagabond. I need moar. I love learning aspects of Japanese cultural history through manga, and HOW can I resist when Musashi has a Zoro scar?
I also watched Sensitive Pornograph.
O_o dude. The squelch noises. I was heaps amused, especially by the lack of plot and the bawnchickabawnbawn BL game-type music. Also. The crazy change in positions. You should over to
mousapelli and keep her Megaupload link alive by downloading it.
It's like the corn scene from Boku no Sexual Harrasment. You haven't seen porn until you've heard someone coming to the sound effect of a fountain bursting. Who voices it btw? Seiji and Sono sound very familiar, I think one of them voices one of the versions of Zack from FFAC of FFVII... I know this because I listen far too much to my SephirothxZack seiyuu BL dramas.
... I took the day off because I'm sick and could possibly do work at home, and THIS is what I end up doing. *hangs head in shame*