Download fun.

Sep 05, 2006 09:04

So, completely wasting my bandwidth as I am sick and can't do anything except click a button every so often, downloading things makes me feel productive.

I snagged Sensitive Pornograph's uncensored version, and really, there is little difference, except that the squish sounds strangely louder when you can see the penor in all its hairless glory. And the subs are a little different, with what I know of Japanese the censored version has more correct subbing in some lines... and I could've lived blissfully ignorant of Aki's lack of lotion with the uncensored. And now I can't. Sigh.

Also got Level C

The Boys on Boys in Film Review promised me a romp with a realistic relationship where the two main characters talked out their sexual activities before they did it, which led me to believe it would be refreshingly mature... which shows my optimism since it HAS that yes, but also with a side of weepy insecure uke and some strange set up. Our resident seme gets dumped by his girlfriend and thus has no place to live so he decides to hit on a cute looking guy. What's wrong with this? This makes me think he's some kind of sexual predatory/hobo home jumper and uses his relationships for a place to stay. And then our girly looking uke ACCEPTS this complete stranger's proposal to move in him and takes him BACK TO HIS HOME. I would've personally ran screaming if some guy off the street asked to move in with me and pay with his body, no matter how hot he was. But considering the genre, I let it slip by.

Then of course the bowchikabow came on, and instead of the sloww get together culminating with sex as I expected, they actually do a LOT of crazy fucking, wherein the seme proceeds to do all manner of dirty things to the uke with his mouth and yes, the uke is completely freaked out... not by the fact it's a complete stranger, but that he's a virgin and he's surprised how good it feels. *pause to snerk* I'm always amused that the uke has to remain this virginal, pure, naive figure ready for the seme to deflower. And instead of the sexually mature conversation I expected this is what happens. Though, kudos to the seme for beeing considerate and stopping when the boy asked and taking it in leaps and bounds. That said, the sex IS hot, cone shaped outlined penis and all, though over all Sensitive Pornograph's body shape appeals more to me than 80s/90s lanky, broad shouldered men in anime. I'm a horrible person but when the uke just kept getting freaked out by everything I kind of just wanted to slap him and say 'TAKE IT BITCH' but then I guess someone completely new to sex would freak out over some guy's mouth on their dick and then LO the rimming. Hee. Mostly my disappointment is that it didn't live up to my expectation, but I should've already known no yaoi can live up to the realism shows like Queer As Folk brings to the table. You should watch it because it's like adding a notch to the yaoi collection.

That said, I'm downloading Papa To Kiss In The Dark about a boy and his father who also happen to be lovers so I really shouldn't be a judge of emotional standards haha. But what made me download this was the sheer crack because the boy gets jealous when it is rumoured his father has a new girlfriend... then GASP turns out that may he's not really the boy's father, which would make their relationship wrong (of course). After a few plot twists, turns out his father was actually his uncle which makes everything alright because they have the same blood so it's perfectly fine to remain lovers. What made his intriguing was how happy this is suppose to be. I'm looking forward to see how this is done.

You can get tons of yaoi anime from Aarinfantasy though you have to join the forum. Small price to pay for pretty much the entire collection of yaoi works currently out.

HOWEVER, my true new download home is THIS GIFT FROM THE GODS TO MORTAL FANS complied by nizlali who is my new favouritest person the entire world for her awesome powers of upload.

It's a mega list of EVERYTHING Seki Toshihiko (seiyuu to Sanzo from Saiyuki, Iruka from Naruto, Duo Maxwell, Legato from Trigun etc) has EVER DONE. I'm in awe frankly. It's like all my birthdays and christmasses have come at once. All his best songs, vocal albums, Trigun OST, Wild Adapter (!!), significant BL dramas (including the one with Morikawa aka Sephiroth omg) and normal drama treats in one list. I practically drool everytime I see what's listed here with that pretty blue of the hyperlink. You should go and abuse it too. You want to, I know it.

For those that don't have it yet, download the Bittorrent client: Bittornado. Same function as Bittorrent, except better since Bittorrent is bad for downloading batch files and certain file transfers, and better memory. A quick run down for Bittorrent: It allows you to download without sapping the uploader's bandwidth, allowing for more files to be put up for download pleasure. Instead what uploaders put up as a .torrent file which you download, then click on it (after you've installed bittornado that is) and a bittorrent download window pops up to download the file. Most anime or large files are processed through BT nowadays, so I abuse alot, it is my worse enemy and my best friend. For more technical details you can go Here or Here.

D-addicts btw is where I've found most of the japanese tv dramas, game shows starring our favourite jpop stars and miscellenous crazy variety shows like SMAPxSMAP some with subs even (You can find out about soft subs in the FAQ too). The other place is JpopSuki which is full of goodies and all you have to do is register and gold like Utaban, Gackt, full albums of songs and other shows are at your fingertips. So if you have forum phobia like me where you can't join unless you absolutely know what's behind the walls, I can vouch for these.

Go forth young bandwidth abuser.

reviews, download, jpop

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