A Pleasant Visit

Aug 16, 2012 02:02

While Tuesday was a fail, yesterday was a win.  The day was spent with my roommate and a friend, taking a journey to my chiropractor.  My roommate has been seeing this chiro for much longer than I and it is through him I met this wonderful doctor.  He literally saved my life and I cannot believe the progress I'm continuing to make.  It's more than I ever thought would be possible.  Since I've suffered from such sever chronic pain, when my friend mentioned problems, I was on her right away.  The more I'm learning about the human anatomy, the more critical it is to me people take their pain seriously.  I pushed myself into the pain I was in because I ignored it for so long and it would kill me to see others place themselves in bed, too.

My friend is absolutely amazed at the difference from her first adjustment.  I love watching people being worked on and I had a very vague idea of what was wrong with her shoulder so I was fascinated to witness Dr. Howard work his magic on her.  She looked better the second she got off his table.  She was taller, too, as we all were.  He always puts us at our proper heights-- when your body's in pain, you tend to curl inward and this will decrease your height majorly.

Anywho, it was a nice visit and I feel FANTASTIC.  Every time I leave his office, my body feels ready to take on the world.  It'll be so lovely when that's a daily experience.

The moment I got home, I went to work on another art project.  I'm working feverishly, but now I must let the ink dry overnight.  This is my least favorite part of the process.  All I can think about while I'm waiting for the ink the dry is what I want to do with the piece.  I suppose it's good because it's when I plan my basic color scheme and such, but I'd rather spend that time actually working on it, lol!

Usually I have to set the piece aside several times before I can finish it, which is why it takes me days upon days to finish a project.  Because of how great I'm feeling today, I was able to do most of it in one sitting.  My back, now, is paying for it, but I should be okay tomorrow to begin coloring.

I'm enjoying it thus far :]]

I also think it's time to begin sending out a third batch of query letters to new agents.  Likely I will update or completely re-write the query, as only one person's taken a grab at it thus far.  I'm not getting my hopes up, though-- the more no's I receive, the closer to that 'yes' I become and it's that agent who picks up my work and falls absolutely in love with it who I want to represent me.  :]  I know you're out there, bud, I just have to sift through everyone to find you!

There's no doubt in my mind this will all come together.  I am only hoping it is sooner rather than later!  lol  Seriously, though.  This is the only occupation I can do my entire life.  Writing and art are the things that have glued me together, piece by piece, to create who and what I am.  There is nothing else in this world I can possibly do that will make me as happy as writing for a career.  There's far too many stories, characters, worlds, religions, philosophies, conflicts, war, clashes in my head to not write it and draw it.  If I didn't, I'd be imploding from all of it.

Also, I'm hoping this will get me out of the rut I'm currently in.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am living in a place, um.... not quite suitable for the living, lol!  I take in all in stride, but this place is a health hazard and I am not physically capable of fixing it.  Nor can I find a job willing to hire someone who can't lift anything, which puts a damper on seeing my chiropractor.  Since, you know, he has to be paid and I have to get to him-- which is a whole thirty miles from where I am.  So... if my writing takes off, I can heal and get out of this wreck.  :]  Win, win.

I try not to let the situation surrounding me to damper my disposition or cause me to think less of my writing or skill.  My body may not be at it's best, but my mind is still working like crazy and needs to have all this stories dumped from it.  I am hoping my writing will save my body and help me to finally finish healing.  All I need is to be able to visit my chiropractor on a somewhat regular basis and I can finally kiss this disability crap good-bye!

drawing, art, chiropractor, dark wizard, dr howard friedman, writing, chronic pain, alice spades, inking

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