Aurora's Showing Some Skin

Aug 11, 2012 03:46

If there is one thing I can say about the past week, it's that I've completed an art piece I'm very, very happy with and proud of.  :]]  Of course, it's been uploaded onto Deviantart and will be featured at the end of this post.  This was of the lovely Aurora, my protagonist in my series, "The Black Wizard Diaries," which has begun with the first completed novel entitled, "These Chains that Bind."  I'm currently working on it's sequel, "There is No Shadow," and am very excited with the new path Aurora's life is now taking.  I'm hoping you all will be too.  :]

This particular piece drained me much more than the others, lol!  A very much needed adjustment will be coming up soon, and boy am I stoked, so hopefully I can some more artwork in this coming week.  I wasn't expecting to see my chiro again so soon, but very pleased to hear I will be.  It gives my muscles a better chance of holding my structure in place the more often I seen him.  Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, I am unable to see him as regularly as I need to, thus it's taking my body a little longer to heal.  Much longer than I would like, but I can't push myself too hard.  That's what got me in this mess in the first place.

Due to my condition, drawing is a rather taxing act.  It requires much sitting up, which I am not able to do in copious amounts, especially not when I'm straining my neck to squint at the paper.  :/  I've always been an artist who likes to be nose to nose with their work, but I am not physically capable of doing that at this moment in time, which is a little frustrating (I'd be lying if I said it was a breeze).  Thus, I actually do all my work on my bed, where I pretty much spend most of my time.  My work space is rather strange when I get going.  It looks like this:

Yes, that's a star-littered box that is holding my art pens.  LOL  I thought it was pretty adorable...

I know, not very interesting, but hey... this is how I work my magic.  :]  Just in case someone out there is curious how I do what I do.

It has been extremely hot here in Southern California, too, which has made me feel sick and miserable for days!  I'm hating it and cannot wait for this cursed summer to be over with.  One day, I'm moving as far away from the fuckin' equator as I can possibly get.

In other news, a friend of mine has allowed me to borrow two of her Sherrilyn Kenyon books.  I've read one and am half way through the other and am rather impressed, which was the very opposite of what I was expecting.  As a reader, erotica has never been one of my favorites and you'll see me pass many books by simply because of this.  The stories are usually very mundane and the characters very one sided.  I also am not very interested in the sex that goes on between a big beefy, Fabio like man and the typical pretty princess woman.

Well, these books are not like that in the least.  While I do not care for the physical build of the men in her books, I love her diversity in women and personalities.  Not to mention, it's actually not ALL sex.  There are a few sex scenes, but the plot is very character oriented and man, do they take that wheel and drive.  There are plenty of action scenes, romantic ones, silly ones, and very stoic, dark ones... I love it.

I'm currently in the middle of "Night Embrace" and I'm enjoying it more than the first one, if only because I enjoy this coupling much more.

The writing is excellent, too.  Nothing better about a book than pure, beautiful writing.  Love it.  I wanna drench myself in it.  Lol!  I very much enjoy her writing style.  It's brilliant and captivating.

There are actually several other books I've got my nose between, as well.  I need to finish them all, it's just finding the time.  I'm sure y'all know how that goes, haha.

Well, it's hitting near four in the morning, I should probably start heading off to bed.  Maybe.

Don't forget to go take a look at Aurora, in all her naked glory.  ;]

Aurora's Showing Some Skin by ~AliceSpades on deviantART

drawing, these chains that bind, books, chiropractor, black wizard diaries, artwork, alice spades, sherrilyn kenyon, aurora lily twilight blackwood, there is no shadow, chronic back pain

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