Cupcakes and Vampires

Aug 02, 2012 02:21

For those of you who didn't know, my birthday was last week-- July 25th, to be exact.  While my actual birthday wasn't much of a success, the day before certainly ones.  One of my good friends took me to see my chiropractor, who literally had to pull my rib cage out of my intestines and yes, it was as painful as it sounds, but I can breathe and eat now, lol!  So that was lovely AND she took me to my best friend, who lives in the same area as my chiro.  We spent the day watching 2 Broke Girls and baking cupcakes.  Couldn't ask for anything more spectacular.  :]]

Other than that, I have been spending the past weeks very involved in my novels.  I'm re-adjusting a lot of the plot line for the second novel when I realized it was lacking several elements.  I've torn it apart and stripped it down 'til it's bare so I can see the absolute core of what this novel means and I am very pleased with what I've discovered.  There is much that is going to be poured into this and I am excited to head down a darker road.  It's coming to my attention I'm not the only freak out there who loves things only when they're from the darkest places of someone's soul and humanity.  Aurora's in for a bashing and there will be plenty of juicy secrets revealed.  Depending on how things pan out, there will most likely be glimpses into Aurora's past that she's kept holed up inside herself.  I may even answer the question burning in everyone's mind as they read THESE CHAINS THAT BIND-- exactly what was Aurora doing that caused the Circle to immediately sentence her to execution?  You'd be right when it's not simply because she dabbled in black magic.  ;]

I realized Charlie had a lot to say this novel, as well.  He was introduced in the first, yes, but his story is very hard to determine from his demeanor.  Charlie is, to say the least, a child of the light and has been such since a child.  He could not imagine bringing harm to another human being, but that's not say he has not wronged in the past.  But for someone to so easily accept this new life, there has to be reasons why he wanted to let go of his old life.  Well, there most certainly are.  And I bet you'd never guess what's hiding under that adorable, lop-sided smile.

My favorite part, however, is the vampires.  Why?

Because I am so utterly sick and tired of Hollywood vampires.  I am tired of what people think they are and how they believe they function.  I despise Anne Rice, Charlene Harris, Stephanie Meyers-- those are NOT vampires!!  Vampire Diaries has a wonderful depiction of vampires with an intriguing story that goes along with their creation, but I am excited to be introducing a very new, unique way of looking at vampires.

I've always viewed them as creatures of the night, who evolved that way, and if they are to be compared to any animal, it would be felines, not bats.  Remember, vampire bats were named after VAMPIRES, not the other way around.  The coincidence is the bats suck blood, much like the myths depict vampires doing so.  The rumor of vampires were not even attached to bats until these specific kind were discovered, so I think it is utterly illogical to compare the two.

While I, of course, believe there is magic involved in the evolutionary process of these vampires, they are still not what people are going to be expecting.

I'm excited.

If you love vicious, animalistic, blood sucking creatures... these vampires are for you.

Speaking of vampires, I've been in such a hype about them, I have been fighting an inkling to start a small project.  While I think it will be good to keep my mind occupied on several things at once, to keep it from getting un-interested, I don't know if I should try to squeeze it in while writing this second novel.  Not that I'm on a time schedule or anything of the sort.  Maybe I should... it might help other things flow as well.

Everyone loves lesbian vampires, right?  I have an concept for some short stories following one... Maybe.  Just maybe.

I'll think more about it.

If I don't have dreams of Dragon Age tonight, it'll probably be of vampires.  Now if the two mixed... I don't think I could handle that.  

vampires, short stories, birthday celebration, side project, dark wizards, writing, alice spades, novels, work in progress

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