Comic Con 2012~!

Jul 21, 2012 15:43

I know, it was a week ago and I have yet to update!  To tell you the truth, I'm still recovering from the venture, lol, though it's hardly an excuse for not updating my livejournal.

Anyhow, Comic Con was an absolute blast.  My friend and I arrived early, but there were already swarms of people there.  Making our way inside was simple enough and, much to my surprise, was so getting a disabilities pass.  Which was very helpful; the line wait was typically shorter and we got to go inside first.  Major plus.  Pride aside, I didn't mind having that disabled sticker on my badge.

We wandered around aimlessly for the first hour or so.  We came across a Steampunk booth (there were several) with some very nice people.  They even let me try on some merchandise, which I wished I had money for.  I absolutely LOVE Steampunk!! So we nerded over that, before nerding over books and comics, which were absolutely everywhere.  Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit shenanigans were EVERYWHERE and I felt I would die, it was so glorious.

The artist's alley was one of my a favorite places to browse.  Nothing but artwork and their creators?  Count me in!  I spoke with the man who is behind the Dragon Age comics, which I didn't even know were out yet but it makes sense, and he was extremely friendly.  I flipped through his porfolio and he showed the back pieces that were still being inked.  I found a gorgeous panel of Varric and Alistair, my two absolute favorite characters in the whole series, and wanted to tear it out and run.  lol!

I also handed out a few of my author/artist business cards and was very pleased with the responses I received from doing so.  Everyone was so friendly, my anxiety didn't even kick it.  That also may be because I was on pain killers (LOL) but ya never know.  I'd like to think it's because I feel at one with my nerd brethren.

Unfortunately, my back pain did kick in.  The drugs only lasted so long and, even on them, I had to take several breaks to sit and rest my back and neck.  I couldn't move for a whole three days afterward, but it was definitely worth it.

I wanted to see The Hobbit showing and hopefully catch of glimpse of Sir Ian McKellen, but it was all the way on the other side of the convention and my friend and I were already in line for Vampire Diaries.  Yes, I LOVE that show.  WITH A PASSION.  So they won and I'm pleased either way because I got to see some of my favorite actors in person.  I still cannot believe what a humble group of people they were and how utterly sweet.  It was obvious they really REALLY cared for and loved their fans.  They were eager to hear what people had to say and were completely warm and opening when people spoke to them.  If I wasn't already flabbergasted by the acting they give, I certainly was then because none of them are anything like their characters on the show.  I fell in love with them even more.

Who really gets to me is Elena-- Nina Dobrev.  She not only plays Elena, but Katherine as well.  When I first started watching the show, my friend spoiled it by telling me this and I was a little apprehensive about that idea.  Until I saw her.  When Katherine walks on screen, you instantly know it's her (unless she's pretending to be Elena, but sometimes, even then...) and it's not because of her hair or what she's wearing.  It's the look in her eyes, her face, and her stance.  Everything about her completely changes when she shifts characters and it amazes me.  She's probably the second actress who has really stunned me beyond words.  She and Toni Collete need to get together and create something because the two of those women can ACT.

The rest of Vampire Diaries is just as amazing, though.  Ian Somerhalder is nothing like Damon-- in fact, he's probably the sweetest of the bunch.  While Paul Wesley has his usual brooding Stefan face, when he speaks, every word from his lips is utterly hilarious.  He's also about ten times more beautiful in person (who'd have thought?).  Yes, I'm a Stefan lover!!  I love Damon, too, but Stefan all the way, for the win.  ;]

Everyone else is amazing on that show, too.  Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Matt... Awww, Alaric!  He had been my favorite.  His tribute episode made me cry soooo hard and no, I am not ashamed to admit it!  This show has me bawling all the time.  It's ridiculous.  These actors really make believe what I'm watching is real.  It's the powerful story writing AND the tremendous acting that truly  makes that show unlike any other.

So that was especially exciting, seeing that cast in person.  They are a very lovely group of people and I am beyond stoked for the fourth season of Vampire Diaries!

After the Vampire Diaries cast left, True Blood came into the room.  My friend loves the show so we stayed, but I'm not a fan.  I tried reading the books, couldn't get past page 50 (Suski bothered me, as did the writing, and so did Bill, and everyone's fucking NAME), and never attempted to watch the show.  I'm sorry, but I'm not into the whole sex drive that's going on in Hollywood-- a few sex scenes is nice every once in awhile and sometimes needed, but I hear that show is nothing BUT sex.  No thanks.  Especially with vampires whose fangs are in the wrong spots.


I'm very particular about my vampires.  The lore for vampires for The Vampire Diaries was very well thought out and it's an interesting take on vampires.  They're one of the few who I like, even though they cannot step in the sun.  It's okay because they can see their reflection, lol!  I don't know about True Blood on either of those aspects (except that vampires will bury themselves sometimes, which makes sense) and I don't really want to know.  I'm afraid.  lol!

We left some time after that.  All in all, it was a glorious day and I had an absolute blast.  Even though I'm still recovering from the adventure, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!   

lord of the rings, art, books, comic con 2012, writing, alice spades, the hobbit, the vampire diaries

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