Bloodied Cloves

Aug 17, 2012 04:37

Another piece has been finished!


I'm only now realizing I had only drawn this person previously once and it was nothing but a minor sketch.  I suppose because he is such a large influence in Aurora's life, his image is completely and utterly immedded in my brain.  Not that everyone else isn't, but I will admit I have to refer to sketches sometimes to make sure I'm not drawing something in a different place!  lol  I can't tell you how long it took me to remember which of Aurora's piercings went where, but after writing so many brow jumps in the novel, I've finally gotten it down.

Vincent La Bounty was who Aurora was preforming the ritual with when things when array and the Wizard's Circle discovered the calamity.

By which point, the deed was already done.

He has to be one of my favorite designed characters.  I've come to the realization he looks a great deal like Hugh Jackman.  LOL  You know, in Van Helsing, when he has those beautiful long curls...

So Vincent is finally being brought into view.  :]

Vincent La Bounty by ~AliceSpades on deviantART

black magic, these chains that bind, black wizard, artwork, alice spades, novels, aurora lily twilight blackwood, there is no shadow, the black wizard diaries, vincent la bounty

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