This is what boredom does.

Jul 06, 2012 17:08

You're forced to either sleep on satin or fleece sheets forever which is it?: Satin, definitely. Who wants to sleep on fleece? 
You woke up and all your underwear is gone! Who most likely took it?: ALL my underwear? Um, that's rather strange, but the first suspects would be the gnomes under the house.

Would you eat a bowl of noodles with cottage cheese and grape jelly on top?: Not unless you paid me some serious monies.  Serious monies, dude.

What do you usually eat for breakfast?: I don't usually have anything for breakfast.  It's whatever's available at the time.

When was the last time you saw your best friend?: :< Too long ago.  Sometime last month.

What was the last good movie you watched?: Shanghai Noon hahaha I watched it with some friends last night. I love that movie.

Do you rent movies at a store or on your tv?: On the computer, duh.

Have you ever thought about getting Netflix?: I use my friend's Netflix :]

What do you order on your sundae?: FUDGE!

Do you like whipped cream and nuts on it?: Sure.  All of that is delicious.

How often does your family have cookouts?: Never!

Does anybody in your family have cancer?: Not that I'm aware of, but I'm very much out of the loop.

What is one genre of music you refuse to listen to?: Rap. I would rather do anything than listen to rap. Like shove toothpicks in my ears.

Who is your favorite singer?: Voltaire <3

What is the title of the last book you read?: I'm currently reading "Night Pleasures" by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Do you even read?: Of course I do. Otherwise I'd die.

What do you do on a sunny day?: Avoid the sun and write once its gone down.

What is one simple word that you usually can never spell?: Silhouette.  I have problems with that word all the time.

Do you flip the pillow over for the cold side?: Hells yes.  When my face is too warm, I need that cool side!

Do you always have to sleep with a blanket?:  Pretty much.  Which sucks in Southern California because it is ALWAYS hot here and the nights are just as hot as the days.

What are some things you do before you go to bed?: Yo mama.

Do you like late night phone conversations?: No, but then I don't like phone conversations.  Nothing is more strange than talking to a person verbally but not be able to see them.  I don't like it.  lol

Does your room have a blacklight?: I wish. :<

What color are your walls?: I... don't know what color that is.  It's some kind of weird mint green that's slightly blue?

Do you heat up your syrup when you have pancakes or do you like it cold?: It depends on how I'm feeling at the time.  Sometimes I'm much too lazy to heat it up.

What do ever add anything to your pancakes/waffles?: Of course. Chocolate chips or cinnamon, stuff like that.

What is your favorite candle scent?: Vanilla <3 omg so amazing

Are you on any types of medication right now?: Thank goodness, but no longer. Drugs are bad for you.  But I do take a spice called turmeric-- I put in my water.  It's an anti-inflammatory (it works like fucking magic, too), it cleans your intestinal track, and boosts your immune system.  It's all sorts of awesome.

Who do you text the most?: My bestie, Christine. She's one of the few people who understands me extremely well and never needs to me to explain myself.  We pretty much talk the same way, though, so it makes sense.

What makes you smile more than anything?: Cats. Omg they're so cute.

If you could change one thing about the past, what would you change?: I would have pressed charges against the man who hit me with his car.

If you could only eat one thing every single day what would it be?: Cookies.

Do you like spicy things?: No, I'm too white.  I can't even eat pepperonis.  They're too hot for me.  I don't like it.

Do you ever go to Starbucks?: ...yes.  I am ashamed to say I love Starbucks.

What is the most expensive thing you own?: Probably my bed? LOL

What kind of car do you drive?: A Dodge Dynasty.  At least, that's what I drive when it's working.

How long have you had your licence?: Since I was 18, so five years.  I'm getting a new one this year. :]]

Do you swim or lay out when your at the beach?: Neither. If I'm at a beach, I'm walking and I'm fully clothed. I hate sand, but I love the beach.  I also hate the sun, so... yeah.  I only like the beach at night.

Do you ever get drunk with friends?: No.  I don't believe in the consumption of alcohol.  I also hate being around drunk people.

What was the craziest moment of your life?: The craziest?  Getting hit by a car was pretty crazy, so I'm going to go with that one.  I did practically fly thanks to that.

Have you ever spent the night in a hospital?: Yeah.  I spent a week in the hospital 'cause of my kidneys. :D

Is love really that hard to explain?: No.  Most 'love' people talk about doesn't exist in the way they're seeing it.

Describe what your wearing tomorrow: I have no idea, it's not tomorrow yet.

Describe the weather right now.: It's Socal, what do you think? It's sunny and hot out.

What is your favorite cuss word?: Fuck :]  It's pretty awesome and versatile.

Do you ever stick your leg out of the blanket when you sleep?: lol yeeees
Do you have any tattoos?: Just one right now.  A spade. :]]

What is on your desktop right now?: Joan Jett, lol!

Are you paitent or impatient?: I'm a fairly patient person, but I have my impatient moments.

Everybody has that one friend who really isn't their friend, who is yours?: I don't have one of those, but there are plenty of people I have to deal with on a regular basis who I don't like, but have to be nice to 'cause they're friends of my friends'.

What time do you wake up in the morning usually?: I don't wake up in the morning. I go to bed in the morning and wake up in the afternoon. :]

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?: Stretch or pet my cats.  Depends on if they're close to me or not, which they usually are.

Do you eat right away or do you have to wait awhile?: I prefer to eat the moment I wake up, but current circumstances do not allow me that luxury.

Who makes you smile, no matter what?: My best friend :]

What do you do when your sad?: Draw, read, or write.

Where do you spend most of your time?: My room, unfortunately.

Do you ever watch scary movies by yourself?: All the time. I love scary movies.

Do you drink energy drinks?: No, those are incredibly bad for you.

Do you have any pets?: Yes. I have two cats.

If so, what are they doing right now?: One's laying on the edge of my bed and the other is up in her cat tower.

Is there anybody in the room with you?: Just me and mah kitties.

Do you drink coffee fraps?: Hells yes.  They're delicious!

Have you ever moved?: A few times. I can't wait to move again.  I need to asap.

If you could meet any celeb who would it be?: I dunno... either Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp, or Kate Moennig.  Or Joan Jett.

Which celeb would you like to smack in the face?: Oh, so many.

What do you do to pass the time when your bored?: Well, this is one of the things.  Or I write or draw.  But if I can't physically do that at the time, then I'll probably pop in a movie or read.

Are you ever bored or are you easilyentertained?: I'm actually very easily entertained, but my back problems make doing things difficult so most of the time I'm bored, thinking about what I wish I could be doing.  lol

Do you have a lot of things hanging on your wall?: Yeah, I don't believe in showing bare wall, haha.

How do you like your toast?: Very lightly toasted with peanutbutter and apricot jelly :]]

How many candles are in the room that you're in?: You know, I don't actually know 'cause a lot of my stuff is packed away, but I do own a number of candles.

Does your bedroom have a computer in it?:  Yes.  I'm on it right now.  Duuuuh.

What color is the computer you're using right now?:  It's... white.

What is your favorite muffin?: Banana nut or chocolate chip

Do you consider yourself healthy?: Not at the moment, but I am working toward getting my body in a healthy place.  Right now I have to work on healing it, but there's also many nutrients my body is not receiving, which is making it difficult to continue on the path of health.  I hope one day to acquire the funds necessary to take care of myself and those around me.

Do you take all your vitamins daily?: No, but there are many more things than vitamins that people need.

What is something you use everyday besides a bathtub?:  I use my friend's bong everyday, hahaha. 

writing, alice spades

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