Why Do You Write?

Jul 08, 2012 19:15

For the same reason I draw-- I wouldn't be able to breathe without either.

There are far too many stories going on in my head for me not to put it somewhere tangible.  My thoughts are plagued with characters, lands, cultures, and creatures that don't belong anywhere but there, nestled in my imagination.  I create worlds for them and weave stories together with all these fine strings of thoughts.

A writer can't help but write.  An artist can't help but draw.

I can't help but create these worlds, these characters, these fantasies.

It all started when I was very young.  You could say no one really taught me the ways of the world and, at the most impressionable of ages, I began to pick up books.  Since I could crawl, I'd been drawing.  Doodling on the walls of my home or on any piece of paper in my path.  This continued throughout my entire life and reading only fueled my imagination.

So while other children were being taught by their parents how to consume and be 'All-American,' I dived into my books.  One of the most prominent series I read when I was in the fourth grade.  It was Tamora Pierce's "Song of the Lioness Quartet" and after reading that, I knew what I wanted from my life.  I discovered my love for writing, but I also unveiled something much more precious.

Honor.  Duty.  Sacrifice.  Loyalty.  Friendship.  Trust.

I was learning the TRUE meaning to all these words.  My morals began to shape from the novels I read so passionately.  Through the many worlds I've ventured, each has told a story with a lesson in mind and that is something I will hold onto for the rest of my life.  Books taught me how to be human, they taught me the very meaning of the word 'one,' and it was through them I created the foundation of my beliefs.  It wasn't until High School that I was introduced to Buddhism and, man, was I thrilled to find a religion that said EXACTLY everything I'd been saying for years.

Fantasy brought a very important element into my reality.

I've learned the meaning of life isn't what's important, but living it.  There will always be mystery in the world, there will always be the unknown, and if we cannot accept that and be happy, then we will never find the path to the end of suffering.

There is no need to fight because we are all one and we are all many.  We are all apart of the same world, the same universe.  We share this earth and this poor planet has been so abused, my heart bleeds for it.  But I know the foundation of all existence-- we all share this space, so we are all connected.  We are individuals, but we are one whole.

These are morals most no longer have.  It's disheartening, but I am happy to be among the few who know what it means to be a human being and I am proud to say books helped me to become this person I am today.

Which is why I am a writer to my core.  Because I have so many things I want to say to the human race, I can't help but put those thoughts into my novels.  They are as much a part of me as my artwork and I will never cease until humanity understands what it has done to the world and itself.

To conquer hate, we must love.  Love is universal.  Love is for everyone and is everyone.

I love every single one of you, even the ones who annoy the shit out of me.

There is no room to hate in my soul.  There should be no room for hate in yours.  Hate only breeds anger, which only continues the vicious cycle.  And that's what mankind must do-- break out of it's vicious cycle.

Will people care what I have to say?  Will people even understand the underlying messages to my novels?  Will it impact their lives the way my favorite authors did on my life?

I can only hope so and put forth my work.  I'm a writer and I am a human, a creature of this planet and I want everyone and everything to live on this planet in peace.  It is possible, if only people would let go of their pride, anger, and grief.  There is no reason to hold on to it.  You can release it whenever you desire.

This is why I write.  To help those understand, to help those in pain, to help those who see what I see, to help those to SEE what I see, to enlighten, to entertain, to keep you going.

I write, not for myself, but for the world and all it contains.  I write for you. 

novels, buddhism, morals, buddha, lessons, alice spades

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