Independence Day Ends in Tragedy

Jul 05, 2012 14:33

Last night sure was interesting.

To better understand this story, you'd have to know I live in a very craptacular neighborhood.  It's Anaheim, not the good part of it, either, and crawling with idiots.  While I know the rest of the world has its fair share of idiots, I feel Southern California is overthrown by the stupidity.

So, even though its very illegal, people were setting off fireworks in the main streets.  I understand, it's Fourth of July, and everyone wants to have a little fun and set off some fireworks-- it may be illegal in this city, but I really don't care if someone is using them.  Have your fun.  I don't care for fireworks, but that's me.  But to set fireworks off in on a main street is just pure stupidity at its best.

I was in my roommate's room when the police arrived.  We could see the flashing lights before we even heard the sirens.  Mind you, we literally live on the main street, so it happened directly in front of us.

We clamor outside to gawk, as humans do, at whatever had happened.  No one was in a hurry, that was for sure, but police were closing off the street and even taping the people on the sidewalk back.  We could vaguely see a tow truck were it shouldn't have been and, sure enough, the stretcher went to the vehicle.  A black bag left with the paramedics.

From there, the cops scoured the area for evidence.  I hope they find who was responsible.  That poor man could be alive right now if someone had called the cops sooner or, hey, not set off fireworks on the main goddamn street.

Sigh.  People die everyday, but... do they really die from other people's stupidity?  That's so incredibly sad.

It doesn't make sense to me, but, then, a lot of things people do not make sense to me.  Why would you do something that is obviously going to harm another?  If you want to set off fireworks, find a desolate place to do it.  The streets are not the place for that.  Cars drive there and inside cars, are people.  It's common sense.

I wish there was a way for people to realize they share this world and must respect all the living things on it.  Including the world itself.  If people understood that, the world wouldn't be the way it is.  Am I the only one who sees what's wrong with society?  People are so dumb, but a person can be very intelligent.  The more you're placed in a mass, the more you become that mindless mass.  Don't let it control you.  You are your own person.  If you see someone doing something stupid, stop them.  If you see someone hurting another, stop them.  Be a human and help out those around you.

There were lots of people outside on that street.  Someone had to have seen something.

But I very much doubt any of them are saying a word.

Humanity, sometimes I have a hard time believing in you, but as long as my heart still beats, I'll keep hoping.
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