Feb 26, 2007 15:49
Went for a meeting with a client this morning, which was OK, but sadly it didn't last long and then I had to come back to the office. Via a cake shop, where I bought cream cakes for everyone in the office except myself - if there's any justice in the world I'll lose about half a stone this week for that, but sadly I suspect that there isn't!
There was then nothing to do yet again, so I read the transcript of Judy,The Guide, one of EBD's early books, which was quite good. Interesting that she mentioned William Harrison Ainsworth because so few people seem to've read anything of his, but then the book was written nearly 80 years ago ... eek, how can it be nearly 80 years since the late 1920s?!
I managed to spill some water on the wooden kitchen floor and then slip on it, which was not clever. Luckily I don't seem to've done much damage - one of the few advantages of being so fat is that there is lots of padding to cushion the blow when stuff like that happens - but I really whacked my left elbow :-( and it's sore.
Liss sent me a PM asking if I wanted to help "moderate" the CBB and I said yes ... which is a bit weird because it's like admitting that I'm a real person :-), but it'll hopefully be quite good and it'll be nice to do something useful!