The English recite this poem about remembering the fifth of November because that's when Guy Fawkes's conspiracy The Gun Powder Plot was uncovered - just days before he planned on blowing up Parliament and consequently killing King James and his family (I think having something to do with religion - James didn't care for Catholics (or Puritans) and Guy was a Catholic). Anyway, now I will always remember the fifth of November - for a very different reason.
A couple of posts ago I vented about the constant insinuations that one who claims Christianity cannot, in good faith, support Obama. Today. Facebook statuses are desperate and claim that the world essentially will come to an end in 72 days. I've read things like, "How could God let this happen?" and, "I'm so disappointed in our country." Now, I know these are silly Facebook status updates - but people who are close to me are also feeling downtrodden like America is now going to Hell in a handcart (the British version of the expression according to Wikipedia...when in Britain...) because Obama will follow George W. In my opinion, there are certainly bigger fish to fry. How about Rwanda - when nearly a million people were killed in one hundred days and the US essentially did nothing. I hope the people who claim disappointment today were disappointed then, too. I can assure anyone who wants to know, I am a Christian. I voted for Obama. And, I might do it again.
Anyway, I will always remember the fifth of November - especially every Christmas (so long as the felt holds up):
Have I mentioned lately just how much I LOVE not working?
Um, yeah - I love it.