Jan 17, 2006 13:30
I'm kind of confused about my life right now. I want something but in all societies get me downs I have this guilt about wanting it. I feel trapped almost between this want of it and want of a strong place to start before I get it. In reality I'm not going to school, I'm not going to have a job that makes me a 100 grand a year. All I want and I've ever really wanted is a place to call my own and people to share it with. I have Anthony and a just over minumum wage job, a crap apartment and now I want something more. Like I said I feel guilt where I shouldn't have to. Am I wrong of is it society that is wrong? Better yet is there something wrong with me? I don't want to think so, but is it my call to make? I guess I will never no and that's what makes this all seem so wrong. Oh well I'll do what feels right and ignore society because in reality it's my life and I have to look at myself in the morning society doesn't.