Jan 09, 2006 22:33
There is something I call a given faith. It starts as a small child when we have faith that Santa or the Easter bunny is real. Later on it progresses into having faith that a better job is coming, that everything in the end will work out fine. Where does this faith originate from. A better question is who do I thank for it. I’m not super religious in the sense that most people are. I believe in a maker in a beginning and a end but in there I see many things. I see reincarnation as karma and a journey. I see God being a guiding hand more then the end all judge of me. In most case I would thank him for the faith that I have but what of those who have none is it just that this is there first drawling of life and they have yet to find that which gives them faith? I would like to think so. My faith in not the man upstairs, though I do believe, but in tomorrow that there is something after that even if it is not in this body or these eyes is there. It gives me hope that I’m doing it all for a reason giving all of my effort to a larger cause for a purpose a place. If heaven were the last stop on my list I guess I would feel a bit empty, but on the other hand I can see where someone of a stricter one life religion would say that is what makes doing the right thing so important in this life. I trust my vision though.