Lost Until Found 2/?

Dec 16, 2008 10:45

Title: Lost Until Found
Pairing: Gabe Saporta and William Beckett
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live...."
Author Notes: This was partially difficult to write, mostly because I couldn't figure out where this was going and why it was going there. Right now I owe William some really deserved snugglehugs.
Warnings: Kidnap, Abuse, Torture, Violence, Possible Rape
Disclaimer: Sadly enough I don't own William, Gabe or any other people I might throw in here. If I did I wouldn't be sitting here writing slash about them.
Dedication: For the person who enjoys Risking it all. Oh yeah, she knows who she is.

They were locked in a dark, windowless room As typical as the situation sounded, William couldn’t help but find himself surprised they were actually in the room of all kidnapping stereotypes. He huddled in a corner, watching Gabe sleep with a small smile on his face. He didn’t really have it in him to smile, but he forced himself to as he watched Gabe. At least his lover was looking peaceful while he dreamed. William let out a soft sigh before looking up at the black ceiling.

They had been there for a few hours now and Gabe had slept the entire time. William assumed the men had given him a drug or something and he wondered why he hadn’t been drugged out as well. Surprisingly he was keeping a very good control on his emotions. On the outside he looked calm and collected given the current situation. His inner emotions were a completely different story.

William was shaking on the inside. He was going crazy when he began to think about where they were and why they had been taken out of all of the members of the tour. “Why us?” William whispered as he looked at Gabe. “What did we do to deserve this?”

He didn’t have time to thinking about the situation any further. The door opened and in walked the brown haired leader and two of his minions. “Get up,” the leader said as he nodded for the men to grab him if he didn’t obey. Slowly, William stood up and didn’t resist as the men grabbed him. “Let’s go.” William followed the men silently out of the room, leaving the sleeping Gabe behind.

William swallowed as they brought him into a room filled with  all kinds of torture devices, but still kept his mouth shut. “Listen William,” the leader said as he stared at the man. “You help us and we will make sure to leave your pathetic lover alone, understand?”

William nodded and the man smiled. “Good,” he said before grabbing a sheet of paper. “You will read this when we tell you to, understand?” William nodded once more before taking the paper in his hands. He read the words on the paper and swallowed dryly as he looked from the paper to the man.

“I can’t read this,” he said softly. The man came over to William and slapped him hard across the face. William bit his lip to keep from gasping at the stinging pain in his cheek. “Sorry but I refuse to read this,” he muttered before handing it back to the man. “Do whatever you want to me and I won’t say a word about it. Just don’t make me read that vile thing out loud.”

The man growled before shredding the paper into pieces. “Boy you have no idea what the hell you just got yourself into.” He snapped his fingers and the men grabbed onto William before shoving him against the wall and tying him to it. William struggled briefly against the chords before letting himself calm down. “You just made a big mistake Beckett,” the man said before pounding his fist into William’s stomach. William let out a severe whimper of pain but didn’t scream like the man had wanted. “Will you read it now?” he asked as he stared at William, a deathly glare in his eyes.

“No,” William hissed as he looked at the man, knowing that he was just going to get himself into more trouble but he didn’t care. He refused to read that paper to the public or whoever would have to see it.

“Fine,” the man seethed before grabbing a knife off of the table and pointing it at William’s throat. “You know I could kill you with the flick of my wrist right now right?” William nodded briefly, starting to swallow before feeling the tip of the knife dig into his throat. “I’m not going to though. I’ll spare your life for now. Instead you’ll feel much much worse.”

He pulled the knife back from William before slashing cuts into his skin, marring the pale flesh with stripes of red. William bit his lip as the man slashed his skin over and over. “Riley, stop,” one of the accomplices said as he grabbed the man’s arm, pulling him back from the bloody William.

“Fine,” the leader, now known as Riley, grumbled. “Are you sure you don’t want to agree to help us?” he said to the chained man who was now gasping for breath.

William shook his head defiantly before spitting out blood that had gathered in his mouth from biting his tongue to keep from screaming. “Go to hell,” he growled as his hair fell into his face.

“Only if I’m taking you with me,” he hissed as he threw the knife to the table and picked up an unmarked bottle. “It makes me sad we have to go this far William,” Riley said as he pushed back his hair and opened he bottle. “If only you would just learn to cooperate.” He poured the contents of the bottle onto William’s body and smiled at William’s instant screams.

William felt like every nerve in his body was on fire. The liquid slipped into his open wounds and killed him with the burning pain. “Do you like that?” Riley shouted over William’s ear piercing cries. “Pure bleach has a tendency to kill the nerve endings and make you feel as if you’re on fire. Feeling it William?” William screamed again as he shook and stumbled in his bonds, startling the two men that accompanied Riley.

“Give him a minute and then get it off of him,” Riley muttered before setting the bottle down on the table and walking out the door, trying to ignore the screams that would be haunting him that night.


Gabe had awoken to an empty room and he immediately thought that they had separated him from William before the door creaked open and his lover was thrown inside. “Bilvy?” Gabe asked softly as he looked up at him.

William ignored Gabe and stumbled over to the corner of the room before collapsing to the floor. He still felt like he was on fire and even though the pain dulled down it was still there, causing him pain. “William?” Gabe crawled over to William and wrapped his arm around him tightly, but let go instantly when William screamed.

“What did they do to you?” William shook his head and did his best to curl up into a slightly comfortable position. “Talk to me William, please.” Once again William shook his head before closing his eyes and wishing the pain away. “Bilvy please talk to me.”

“No,” William replied speaking only to shut Gabe up. It worked and Gabe instantly pulled back from his lover. William let out a sigh of discontent before pressing his hand to the bruise on his stomach. Slowly, Gabe inched forward and tried to take William’s hand again. “Will you stop!” William shouted as he pulled away from a startled Gabe.

Gabe blinked and looked at William before biting his lip. “I want to help you William,” he whispered softly before looking at William with a small frown. “Please, let me help you.”

William let out a sigh before reaching his hand out to Gabe so he could take it. Gabe took William’s hand before reaching over and gently pulling William’s head into his lap. “What did they do to you baby?” he whispered as he stroked William’s now cleaned hair with his free hand. William shook his head and kept his eyes shut, not wanting to remember what had been done to him just hours before. “Baby please talk to me,” Gabe said softly as he squeezed William’s hand.

“I really don’t want to talk about it,” William said softly as he opened his eyes. “Please…” Gabe let out a soft sigh and nodded before helping William up and pulling him into his arms. William curled into Gabe’s touch before letting out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. “Are you okay?” Gabe asked with as he pressed gentle touches to William’s head, soothing him.

William shrugged lightly as he leaned into Gabe’s touches. “I’m not sure,” he whispered softly. “I know I will be soon enough but as for right now I’m not sure.” Gabe nodded before pressing his lips to William’s cheek, but he soon found himself sad because William pulled away from him. “I’m sorry,” William whispered as he struggled to sit up. Gabe helped him up and was surprised to find that William pressed himself against him. “Gabe, will you hold me please?”

“Of course mi cielo,” Gabe replied with a gentle smile before wrapping his arms around William. “I’ll do anything for you.” William let out a soft hiss of pain but he ignored it because nothing was more important than having Gabe there with him to deal with this situation. He hated that Gabe had to be here with him through all of this but at least he wasn’t alone. “Te amo William,” Gabe whispered into his ear as he squeezed William in a comforting hug.

“I love you too Gabe,” William replied softly as he lifted his hands so he could wrap them around Gabe’s. “I just don’t want to see us in here suffering because of these people.” Gabe nodded in agreement. “Do you think they’ll be coming to save us soon?”

Gabe honestly didn’t think they’d get here fast enough to save them from some permanent mental and physical damage but he hoped for it greatly. “They will William,” he said into the younger man’s ear before kissing his forehead. “I just know they will.” William nodded in agreement before resting his head on Gabe’s chest and closing his eyes. He was too exhausted to stay awake any longer and Gabe’s hold on him made him feel good. “Sleep baby,” Gabe whispered into his ear right before he drifted off.

Once William was in his deep sleep, Gabe gently lifted his shirt and looked at the puckered fresh scars on William’s body. “Oh god,” he whispered, only being able to guess what had happened to his love at the hands of these disastrous men. Slowly, he kissed William before wrapping him up in his arms as tightly as possible. He would protect William no matter what.

And no matter how much he promised this, he knew somewhere deep down that he wouldn’t be able to keep this promise.

He knew that something bad was coming his way.

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, story: lost until found, pairing: gabe/william, genre: angst, band: the academy is...

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