Lost Until Found 1/?

Dec 10, 2008 17:25

Title: Lost Until Found
Pairing: Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship) and William Beckett (The Academy Is...)
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live...."
Author Notes: Second attempt at a Gabilliam. This didn't exactly turn out as I had hoped it to turn out, but that's okay. It's going in a direction that I like

Dedication: For the person who enjoys Risking it all. Oh yeah, she knows who she is.

Black hair. That’s all the doctor would see when he walked past his only patient’s bedroom. The young man who had once been a world famous singer for the band The Academy Is… was now his charge and for once he didn’t have any clue how to go about fixing him. Looking into the tiny window he spotted William, curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. His face was buried in his knees and all that was visible was black, except for two pale white feet that were tapping as fast as possible.

The doctor pushed the door open and walked over to William before kneeling down. “William, look at me,” he said softly before reaching out and touching the man on his shoulder.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” William shouted before starting to rock back and forth. The doctor backed off a bit.

“William, listen to me,” he said softly. “You need to talk to us.” The mop of black hair shook as William continued rocking back and forth. “William.”

“Shut up,” he said in a whisper. “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. His pitch black hair paled the man so drastically that it looked like he was no longer alive. Dark bags under his eyes accented the death look and pale chapped lips were being chewed on by the whitest teeth he had ever seen. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live,” William said, his eyes widening as he looked at the doctor, mostly from shock at seeing a normal face.

The doctor looked at him before reaching out and putting a gentle hand on William’s. “Tell me about it William. What happened out there?”

William swallowed dryly before looking at the doctor. “We were just down there for a concert or seven…” he said in a choked voice.

~August, 2007~

“Are you ready for this?” Gabe asked as he took William’s hand in his. William nodded silently as he looked around the busy backstage, wondering just how many people would be out there waiting to see them perform. “You nervous Bilvy?” Gabe asked softly as he looked over at his boyfriend, squeezing his hand gently.

William shook his head. “No, I’m fine. I mean, we did Warped. Why would I be scared?” He wasn’t scared, really. He just had a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach like something was going to go wrong. Swallowing lightly, William held onto Gabe’s hand. “Can we sing together tonight? Just, one song and I don’t care what it is.”

“You are nervous aren’t you?” Once again William shook his head. “Then what’s wrong Bilvy?” William shook his head. “William, talk to me,” Gabe said softly before pulling him into a tight hug.

William bit his lip as he buried his head in the crook of Gabe’s neck, his favorite hiding spot. “I’m scared,” he said softly. “I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen.”

“Nothing’s going to happen William,” Gabe said softly as he tightened his hold on William. “I’m going to be here with you and I’ll protect you no matter what.” Kissing William’s hair softly, Gabe rubbed comforting circles on his back. “Nothing will happen.”

William nodded as he rested his head on Gabe’s shoulder. “It’s just that this feeling won’t go away. I’ve had it since we got to Australia and I just can’t help but think that something really is going to go wrong.” William looked up at Gabe. “I’m scared something’s going to happen to you.”

Gabe shook his head as he pulled William’s face up off of his shoulder so he could see it. “Nothing’s going to happen to me,” he said softly before kissing William. “I’m going to be right here next to you from now until the end of time.”

“Promise?” William asked before looking at Gabe with begging eyes. Gabe nodded and William’s face broke into a smile before he squeezed his arms around his boyfriend and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

“I have to go perform now Bilvy,” Gabe said softly before squeezing William tightly. “Will you be okay back here until we sing together?” William nodded silently before looking at Gabe. “Are you sure?”

“I’ll be fine Gabe,” William said with a small frown. “Just go out there and give Melbourne the best performance you can do okay?” Gabe nodded before pressing his lips to William’s one last time before leaving to join his band at the wings.

Gabe looked back at William before smiling. “I’m right here for you okay?” William nodded before gesturing for him to take the stage. Gabe smiled and turned around before running out onto the stage, quickly followed by the rest of Cobra Starship. William crept towards the wings and watched as they ran through the four songs that they got to perform.

“You know it’s a great opportunity to be here performing down here in Australia,” Gabe shouted to the crowd. “We wouldn’t be here tonight if it weren’t thanks to our friends. Tonight, I’d like to bring out one of my best friends to perform the song that got us started. Give it up for William Beckett!”

William ran out onto the stage to the applause of the crowd, microphone in hand “Thanks Gabe,” William said with a smile on his face. “Since you’ve called me out here, I’m assuming I know what time it is.”

“Come on bring it,” Gabe replied with a smile before nodding and cueing the music to begin. “Are you ready William?”

“Oh yeah,” William replied with a smile. His worries were melting away under the warm stage lights, raving crowd and close proximity of his lover.

William jammed to the music and Gabe’s seductive voice as he waited for his part, feeling good about this current concert. Gad had been right and everything was fine. When it was his turn, William put out his voice with more gusto than ever.

He turned to Gabe and grabbed onto his hand as they sung together, earning excited squeals from the crowd. Gabe smiled and all was right with them.

Until it all went wrong.

Gunshots rang through the venue and screams erupted through the crowd as men in all black made their way onto the stage. They had successfully knocked out whatever guards weren’t guarding Fall Out Boy and Panic At The Disco. William’s eyes widened as he grabbed onto Gabe as tightly as possible. They were surrounded by the strange men with weapons while the rest of the Cobra members had gotten off the stage and into security’s safe hands.

“We are here to get our revenge,” the leader of the group shouted through the microphone William had dropped earlier. “Our government will not listen to what we have to say, so we will show them we are right by force.” William swallowed as he clung to Gabe with all his might.

“Silencio mi cielo,” Gabe whispered softly as he squeezed his arms around William. The man with the microphone turned around to face the two men. William shivered as he looked down so he wouldn’t have to see the cold glare in the man’s eyes.

The man smiled before turning back to the crowd. “Our government will not listen to us now, but maybe they will listen now that we have two precious assets to America.” The surrounding men slung their guns across their backs and grabbed onto William and Gabe, pulling them apart.

“Gabe!” William screamed as he fought against the men’s grips on him. “Gabe!”

“No!” Gabe shouted as he also struggled to break free. “Let him go and take me alone!” The terrorists ignored Gabe’s frantic requests and held him firmly in place. “William!”

The leader laughed at the singers’ pathetic to get back to each other. “Oh dear, is this love I sense? Well that’s just - STOP!” He turned around, finding security trying to creep up on him. “If you come any closer we will activate them.” The man ripped his shirt open, revealing an explosive vest. “Everyone in here will die if you attempt to rescue these useless lovers.”

The security guards stopped and made no move to come closer, knowing that the stakes were much higher if they made an attempt to rescue William and Gabe. “Good,” the man said before turning to his fellow members. “Get them and let’s go.”

The remaining men grabbed William and Gabe by their legs and carried them towards the only free exit. “Let us go please,” William begged but he kept his tears tucked safely away. He couldn’t let them get to him. Behind him, Gabe was completely silent, worrying William to no end. He didn’t even care about himself just as long as Gabe was safe. “Gabe?” he shouted.

“Calm down William. I’m here,” Gabe said softly before letting out a soft groan of pain. One of the men had twisted his arm. “Just calm down.” William turned his head to see Gabe but he was roughly pushed back so he was seeing nothing but the parking lot once more.

The leader came up to them and pulled out a large roll of duct tape before binding and gagging William and Gabe. “Throw them in my trunk,” he said before unlocking the vehicle. William gasped as he was thrown roughly into the trunk of the car. Something sharp and metal dug into his back but he didn’t have enough time to react before Gabe was tossed in. The door of the trunk was then slammed shut, covering them in a blanket of darkness.

Gabe instinctively moved his hands around as much as he could in the dark until he could find William’s and grabbed a hold of them. He wiggled closer to him and the two huddled together in the back of the car, trying to find comfort in a place where no comfort was to be found. The car started and began moving, shaking them as it went.

William squeezed Gabe’s hands back, assuring him he was fine except for the pain in his back. The two men laid there in the darkness of the bouncing trunk together, holding whatever possible hope they had left. As they were driven away from the night that had once been so amazing William couldn’t help but feel that this wasn’t the least of their worries.

Something much worse was about to happen.

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, story: lost until found, pairing: gabe/william, genre: angst, band: the academy is...

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