Lost Until Found 3/?

Dec 23, 2008 10:39

Title: Lost Until Found
Pairing: Gabe Saporta and William Beckett
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live...."
Author Notes: I know it's a short chapter but there's a reason for it. Trust me, the next chapter will be really long, assuming it goes the way I want it to. Enjoy this one though, and try not to kill me.
Warnings: Kidnap, Abuse, Torture, Violence
Disclaimer: I'd say that I own the amazing men in this story, but they somehow got out of my closet. Stupid stupid people forgetting to lock my Fueled By Ramen closet. Oh well, I'll own them someday.
Wait, I do own James, no one else though.
Dedication: For the person who enjoys Risking it all. Oh yeah, she knows who she is.

William awoke hours later to the dull burning under his skin and screaming. All he cared about was the screaming. Gabe’s arms were no longer wrapped around him and he couldn’t see a thing in the now pitch black room. “Gabe!” William screamed as he frantically tried to find his way to the door. Tripping, he fell onto something sharp and let out a gasp of pain as whatever he had landed on stabbed him sharply in the chest. William winced as he pulled himself off of the object before continuing to hunt.

Another scream ripped through the building and William’s frantic search became even more rushed. Stumbling from a sudden dizziness, William fell against the wall and blinked a few times before letting out a pained groan. His hand flew to his now bleeding chest. “Gabe,” he called out again in a softer voice before slumping down against the wall. The screams were echoing in his ears and he couldn’t support himself anymore, let alone every sane thought of his.

William’s eyes snapped shut and for the first and hopefully last time ever, he fell unconscious to the sounds of his lover screaming in pain.


William woke once more in the completely dark room, but this time all was quiet outside and arms were wrapped around his waist again. “Gabe?” William asked tentatively as he twisted his head up to see him. The room was black so he couldn’t see him, but he could feel him. “Gabe, are you awake?”

“Yeah,” Gabe replied in a strained voice. At first William had assumed he had had a nightmare and the stinging pain in his chest was a result of that, but hearing Gabe’s voice told him that his nightmare was real. “Are you okay Bilvy?” The pet name sounded rough coming from Gabe’s lips at the moment, but William could tell that it was still caring.

“I’m fine,” William replied softly as he struggled to wrap his arms around Gabe. “I’m really worried about you though. What happened? What did they do to you?” He snuggled into Gabe’s chest and held him as well as he could on this awkward position.

Gabe chuckled grimly as he kissed William’s forehead. “Nothing that will desperately traumatize me,” he replied softly. “What about your chest though? Does it hurt?” The second Gabe mentioned his chest William felt the pain. “They found you bleeding on the floor earlier and they had to patch you up and move us to a different room. Supposedly there’s a window in this one.” William stared at Gabe in shock. “Yeah,” Gabe replied with a small smile. “Right now it’s night time.”

“Where’s the window?” William asked softly as he looked up at Gabe. Gabe took William’s hand and pointed it up to the ceiling where a small window was displaying a slew of glittering stars. “That’s beautiful,” William whispered softly as he felt Gabe squeeze his hand. “That might be the last beautiful thing we ever see again.”

Gabe’s hand slipped from his and he frowned. “Don’t say that William,” he said softly before wrapping his arm around William’s waist. “We will be rescued and in the end we’ll write a song about all of this. Who knows, maybe we’ll even come out then.” William nodded as he held onto Gabe with now shaking fingers. “Calm down William,” Gabe whispered soothingly as he wrapped his warm strong hands around William’s cool trembling ones. “Everything will be okay.”

“And what if it isn’t?” William shot back as he wiggled in Gabe’s arms. “What if they decide we’re not needed anymore and they kill us off? What if their torture is just too much for us to take?” William calmed slightly in Gabe’s arms before letting out a huff of air. “I’m just so scared that something’s going to happen to you because of them.”

Gabe squeezed his hands around William’s as tightly as possible without hurting him. “Nothing’s going to happen to me William, I promise.” William swallowed loudly as he leaned into Gabe’s touch. “Please calm down baby. I promise nothing will happen to me.” Gabe nuzzled William’s neck with a small smile before kissing him, sending shivers up William’s spine. “I love you William.”

“I love you too,” William replied with a smile that was just barely visible under the starlight. “I love you.”


“He lied to me,” William said in a quiet voice as he brushed tears out of his eyes. “He promised me he wouldn’t get hurt and he did. They hurt him and I couldn’t do any fucking thing about it.” William, in a fit of rage, yanked at his hair hard enough to pull it out; and he would have too if the doctor hadn’t reached forward and gently untangled his hands. “Sorry,” William muttered softly as he looked down at his hands that were locked in the doctor’s grip.

The doctor shrugged. “It’s fine William,” he said with a small frown. “At least you’re talking to me about this and now I can try to figure out how to help you. Now what happened exactly that made you think he broke his promise? Please talk to me.”

“No,” William replied softly as he pulled out of the doctor’s grip. “I don’t want to talk anymore,” he muttered before wrapping his skinny arms around his legs once more.

The doctor sighed before reaching forward and pulling William’s hands into a comforting squeeze. “Please talk to me William. I need to know what happened to you if you want me to help you and get you out of here.”

At this, William blew up. “Help me!?” he shouted as he tugged angrily away from the doctor. “You can’t even begin to fucking help me! Nothing you or your staff do here will make me better and you know that, so just get the hell away from me!” He stood up for the first time in days and stumbled over to his bed before laying down on it. “Just leave me alone.”

Standing up as well, the doctor walked over to William and placed a hand on his back, but he was brutally pushed away. “Okay, I understand,” the man said as he tucked his notebook back into the small briefcase he was carrying. “Listen William, if you ever need to talk or anything, ask for James. I’m here all the time, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you.” William swallowed and looked up at him. “No one deserves to live like this.”

William sighed. “Just leave please,” he whispered before curling up into a tight ball. “Leave.” James nodded and quietly excused himself from the room, locking the door behind him, but he didn’t leave the door. He stood right outside of William’s room and he watched as the young man threw a fit, throwing his bedding onto the floor before curling up on it and crying.

Slowly, he walked away from the room and pushed a hand to his head. He had to figure out a way to help William, and he would, no matter what.

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, story: lost until found, pairing: gabe/william, genre: angst, band: the academy is...

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