Jacketz (With a 'Z')

Oct 16, 2010 00:10

 Title: Jacketz (With a 'Z')
Prompt: Wild Card (schmoop_bingo )
Author: alifeofourown 
Pairing: Mark Zuckerberg/Eduardo Saverin (The Social Network)
Rating: General
Summary: It was cold. Freezing, actually.
Warnings: Cold, jackets, talking
Dedication: To my insane lifeisafantasy2  for being so dorky and epic and addicted like me.
Disclaimer: If I owned anything, I'd be in love. I'm not.
Author Notes: It's been almost a month since I wrote fic, so damn. I'm rusty. Hope you enjoy 869 words of something. Title courtesy of a Joe Jonas stupid moment.

It was cold. Freezing, actually. Eduardo couldn't remember the last time that he had been outside in weather this cold. The sky was pitch black and it was the dead of winter, so from what he could remember of checking his typical, interesting weather sites, it was below freezing; maybe somewhere along the lines of twenty degrees or so. That didn't stop him from being outside, though, and there was really only one reason for that. He wouldn't have walked outside in the middle of a party for anyone in the world except for one person.


And there he was, standing across from him, blabbering on and on about some sort of idea, something that he had come up with that he wanted to do. Eduardo was listening, or half-listening at least. Most of him was focused on how his bones were clattering against each other in this below-freezing weather. There was clearly something wrong about this. Why was Mark unable to talk about this inside of the building, where the party had been miserably failing, but at least it was warm. Fuck, he was cold. Mark stopped talking for just a moment, enough time for Eduardo to get words in edgewise.

"It's twenty degrees outside," he said through now chattering lips. More words left Mark's lips and Eduardo barely heard them. The blood was rushing in his head, trying to keep it warm so that he didn't freeze to death, even though that wasn't possible for being outside for just a few minutes. Still, he was really zoning out. "It's freezing out here, can't we go inside?" Yet again, Mark didn't actually respond to him. Instead, his words rushed over Eduardo's, causing him and his thoughts to be forgotten thanks to this idea that he had magically come up with. Something called The Facebook. He wasn't sure what this was about, or even if he cared, but Mark was talking, and it was apparently important to him, so it had to be important to Eduardo too. After all, this was Mark they were talking about. He couldn't not pay attention to him, but really, was it too much to ask for that jacket that Mark was wearing.

He could see Mark's sweatshirt peeking out from underneath it and he knew that Mark had to be plenty warm, but that didn't stop his friend from stopping and caring about him. Fuck, he couldn't feel his legs. "I can't feel my legs," he sputtered out.

"I know, I'm excited too." Mark clearly didn't pick up on the fact that the shorts that Eduardo was wearing were not keeping him warm and comfortable. Seriously, this was beginning to be quite a hassle. Mark was talking again, something about needing start-up money for servers and transmitters and...hell, he could've been talking about spending billions of dollars to buy UFO spaceships from some man on Mars, but Eduardo couldn't hear him over the chattering that was coming from his teeth.

"Wardo." The first words that Eduardo actually heard Mark say to him that weren't just ramblings or excited stupidity met his ears in a rush. "Wardo, are you even listening?" Eduardo looked up at Mark, rubbing his arms back and forth rapidly across his arms.

"Course I am," he mumbled. "But I'm freezing." He shivered, the cold slowly seeping into his bones, hiding in there with the marrow and weighing him down. It was almost as if any minute, his legs were about to give out. "Can we just go inside?"

Mark stared at Eduardo, almost as if he was studying his best friend, his potential future co-founder, if Eduardo would accept the idea, that is. Something was running through his mind, the gears dancing awkwardly and jerkily, jumping from one thought process to the next in an attempt to put together a simple equation like two and two. Eduardo knew that Mark could do the hard stuff, that he could jam computer processing down into lines upon lines of code and programming within seconds, but when it came to the simplest and most obvious of things, Mark was clueless. That's why he had lost Erica and that was why facesmash came about. That was also what would end up being Mark's downfall. Eduardo knew this just from looking at Mark, but that didn't matter right now.

The only sounds coming from the two of them were Eduardo's chattering teeth, and in that moment of silence, Mark stepped across the tiny separation between the two of them, peeling off his jacket and draping it over Mark's shoulders. "There," he said before taking a step back. "Now where was I?" Eduardo blinked a few times before he slipped his arms into the jacket, feeling a lot warmer as the smell of Mark enveloped him. True, it wasn't much, but for Eduardo, this was a part of Mark that nobody saw, the part that actually could sometimes be kind and not completely self-centered.

Eduardo liked this part of Mark a lot more. In fact, he loved it. Maybe someday, he'd get to see it to its entirety. Until then, though, he was good with being wrapped up in Mark's jacket.

It was a start.

rating: general, genre: fluff, movie: the social network, schmoop bingo, pairing: mark/eduardo

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