Writing Drama

Oct 19, 2010 12:19

 And just when I thought that I would be out of things like this, they rope me back in. Well, not out of them, because I do still like their music. Bands like All Time Low and Short Stack and Tokio Hotel, et cetera, were bands that I shipped like hell, which made it really fun for me to find fic and videos and insinuate the slash that they so clearly gave me. Okay, well maybe I'm not in the fandoms anymore and I don't write fanfiction for it, or even read it, but that doesn't mean that I have to stop shipping my band boys together, does it? No. I still think that Alex and Jack are totes dating, and if they aren't married by this point (and tearing each other's heads off half the time), it's a lie.

Aaaaaaaanyway. The reason that I'm really thinking about this right now is because I decided today that I'd go dig up Short Stack's new-ish (two month old) single, Planets, and now that I've watched the video and the live videos and a few other videos, I'm back to hardcore slashing Shaun and Andy, which was not what my goal was for today. In fact, the goal for today was to get some more plot work done on my characters so that I had somewhat of an idea as to what's going on with Yellow, Blue and Red. Especially Red, since I'm pretty sure he's not just an asshole, but he's yet to prove otherwise. I'm hoping that he'll be epic and come off as a nice guy, but that's just my heart talking. My brain knows better. He's gonna be an asshole through and through, and poor Violet has to deal with his shit all the time. Orange too, but that's a given at this point, or it is to me at least.

NaNo novel rambling aside, I'm seriously stuck on Shaun and Andy right now, and it's driving me mad. I really don't know what else to do about it, because I've already proven that I can't write fanfiction about them, not good fanfiction, anyway, and it saddens me because I want to be able to write epic fanfiction about Shaun and Andy getting it on or being all cute and fluffy or something like that, but that's not happening. I think I've had...what, two fanfics for them, and both of them were horrid? Especially the crossdressing one. God, that one just failed, and yet I believe that that was the one that won the Short Stack contest that I participated in, which is surprising. I guess it's because I submitted epic slash instead of self-inset het of grossnes. Seriously, I'm so glad that I never really got into the self-insert shit. That's all just whiney, OHMYGOD LET ME DATE THE LEAD SINGER/MAIN CHARACTER SO THAT I CAN BE EPIC AND WIN AT LIFE AND SHIT CAN HAPPEN AND THEN WE CAN GET MARRIED AND HAVE HOT, EPIC SEX AND THEN KIDS AND THEN ANGST AND OHMYGOD DRAMA!!!!

Seriously, no. I'd rather go burn in hell than do anything like that. Fuckkkk that shit.

Anyway, all Short Stack issues aside, I've been plotting like mad on my NaNo (see that circle thing that I just did? Going from fanfiction right back to my novel and then back and forth and back and forth). I've got more on my character information down and I can't wait for November first to roll around so that I can get started on writing. Really, I can't wait to get started into my novel, but I guess that I should figure out how to start first. There are a few ways that I could go, maybe start with a prologue or jump straight into Red's story or I don't even know. Ugh. This is just so confusing and so much work, but while it's stressing me out (already, jeez!), I can't wait for it to start. NaNo is the thing that I look forward to each and every year, and I can't wait to win again! I'm ready, prepared. I'm going to get this shit done, and I'm going to hopefully hit 150,000 words. Crazy shit, right?

I want to skip German class today, but I can't. Shit. i guess I'll just deal with it, but I want to go home and plot instead of be here and work. Seriously, working on german and shit is not what I want to do today. I'd much rather just chill and work on Red, or Blue, but not happening. Oh well. I'll survive and whatnot.

I think I'm done with my circle of stupid writing insanity. Peace.

nanowrimo, personal entry, fanfiction

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