Let The Wind Blow 3/9

Mar 21, 2009 10:46

Title: Let The Wind Blow
Authors: Rhee alifeofourown and Emily havah24601 
Pairing: Nate Novarro/Alex Suarez (Cobra Starship) Gabe Saporta/William Beckett (Cobra Starship/ The Academy Is...)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Post Minor Character Death, Mentions of Sexual Assault
Summary: There's a time in everyone's life where they'll discover that their best friend has a secret they've never told. Alex knows Nate's hiding something from him, but when he finds out what it is, will he still be glad to know?
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own any of these lovely boys, seeing as they have somehow gotten out of my closet. It's a sad day in my world.
Author Notes: This started out as a kick ass roleplay but we both decided to make it into a pretty story for the world! I played Nate and Emily played Alex.

Nate looked up at Alex, blinking from the shock of what he had just heard. "W-what?"

"This is probably a bad time," Alex mentally kicked himself. "But I think you're really great..."

"Really?" Nate asked as he looked at Alex. "Do you really mean that?"

"Yes, Nate," Alex nodded. "Does it seem like I'm lying?"

Nate shook his head. "No," he said softly, "but I just have a hard time trusting people. I thought you'd understand that." Nate bit his lip and looked at Alex.

"You don't have to trust me," Alex whispered. "I just want you to know that when you're ready to, you can."

Nate looked at Alex with miniature tears swimming in his eyes. "No, you're the only one I do fully trust," he said softly before wrapping his arms around Alex and hugging him back. "You're amazing..."

"I just do what I can, Nate," Alex smiled, gently patting the boy's back. "You can count on me, I promise."

"You don't have to promise that out loud," Nate said softly. "I already know that you'll do whatever it takes, even if it means taking a really big risk." Nate rested his head back on Alex's shoulder. "Thank you.”

"As long as you know it," Alex smiled. "You're going to be ok, alright?"

Nate swallowed softly before nodding. "I trust you," he said softly.

"Good," Alex lay down on the bed, pulling Nate with him. "Everybody needs someone to hang onto ."

"Who is that for you?" Nate asked softly as he curled up next to Alex. For the first time since Alex had come in Nate couldn't hear the booming noise of the party.

"I dunno," Alex shrugged. "I guess Ryland's like my best friend, I know he'd break knees for me, so probably him.”

Nate nodded and closed his eyes. "I see," he said softly.

"Yeah," Alex nodded. "But I trust you a lot, and I like to be around you more than anyone else."

Nate opened his eyes and looked up at Alex with a small smile. "That's really nice to hear," Nate said softly. "It's nice to know that someone really likes being around me."

"Of course I like being around you," Alex shrugged.

"You're probably one of the only ones," Nate replied softly.

"I doubt it," Alex shrugged. "The band likes you, I know that, and I know William does."

Nate blinked and looked at Alex. "Five people isn't many Alex," he said softly.

"Well that's not everyone," Alex smiled. "I'm just not really thinking about that right now."

"Well then what are you thinking about?"

"You, how I can help you, that kind of thing," Alex shrugged.

Nate looked at Alex. "Stop thinking about it," he said softly. "It's really not that important Alex."

"It is to me," Alex shook his head. "It’s VERY important to me."

Nate looked at him. "Why is it so important to you?" he asked with a small frown on his face.

"Because it concerns you, and you're important to me."

Nate shook his head. "I shouldn't be," he said softly. "There's a million broken people in the world like me, but you... You're irreplaceable."

"I don't like you because you’re broken" Alex shook his head. "I like you because of who you are when you're comfortable enough to just be you."

Nate looked at Alex for a second before snuggling closer to him. "I like you too," he admitted softly. "You're just so kind and caring and you'd do anything for those you care about. You're just an amazing person."

"I just find that the people I care about are worth doing anything for," Alex shrugged.

"That's a really meaningful realization," Nate said with a smile.

"It means a lot to me," Alex shrugged. "You gonna be ok, baby cobra?"

Nate nodded. "As long as you'll be here I'll be fine."

"Then you're gonna be fine," Alex smiled.

Nate smiled back at him. "Good. It feels nice to be fine instead of worrying for once."

"I'm so sorry that it took me this long to pick up on your unhappiness," Alex sighed.

Nate shook his head. "Don't be sorry Alex," he said softly. "At least you picked up on it. No one else has."

"You're very secretive," Alex pointed out. "I wish you would have said something, but that's in the past now."

"It's a terrifying thing Alex. I didn't exactly know how to say 'oh I'm upset because I'm having reoccurring dreams about my uncle molesting me' and not have you all in an uproar." He shivered lightly at the statement he just made. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I know that there's no good way to say it." Alex kissed the top of Nate's head.

Nate shivered again but this time for a good reason.  "Thank you for understanding," he said with a small smile on his face.

"Once you're asleep, I'm going to talk to William and Gabe about the plan, you'll be ok sleeping alone, yes?"

Nate shook his head. "Yes, I'll be okay sleeping alone but I would rather be there with you when you talk to them."

"Ok, I can bring them back in here," Alex nodded. "Do you want me to get them now?"

Nate nodded. "Before the party ends and everyone comes back would be best so yeah. Now."

"Ok," Alex worked his arm away from Nate and went to go get the pair, returning with a mostly sober Gabe and a totally sober William.

William looked at Alex and then to Nate, noticing how the man had obviously been crying. "What's going on guys?"

"Nate," Alex looked to Nate. "Do you want me to explain or can you?"

"I can explain it," Nate said softly before pulling himself into a sitting position. "I uh...I was upset earlier and Alex talked to me about it and it's kind of a...not pleasant situation." He swallowed loudly, not sure what to say next.

"Ok..." Gabe frowned. "And then...?"

"Nate, you can do this," Alex encouraged.

Nate nodded. "Well I uh...I told Alex about how my uncle...molested me as a teenager." He swallowed softly. "And sometimes he still does..." he knew he hadn't told Alex this but he hadn't been able to admit it to the first person who had opened his heart to him.

"Oh god," William said softly as his eyes widened at this bit of news.

"Oh Nate," Gabe looked sadly at Nate as he reached for William's hand. "I'm so sorry..."

"We have a plan..." Alex bit his lip, trying to silently take in the new addition to Nate's story. "We're going to get him behind bars...but we need your help, especially you, William."

"I'll do anything to help," William said as he held onto Gabe's hand like the lifeline it was. "Just tell me what it is and I'll do it."

Nate looked down at his hands, feeling horrible that he hadn't told Alex about the last part of his disturbing story.

"Ok," Alex bit his lip. "We're all going to go back home with Nate next break, and at some point while Nate's out of the house, you know, 'getting groceries' or something, William, you're 'car is going to break down' and you'll stop inside. We'll have some sort of camera set up; Nate that will be your job. William, you'll have to be sexy and a little bit inviting without appearing as though you’re acting OR asking for anything...you need to get him to TRY and touch you, you get out of there the second it seems like he might actually get you. Gabe, Nate and I will be close by in case you need help. Is that ok?"

"William won't get hurt, right?" Gabe asked.

"No," Alex shook his head.

William paused for a moment to take this all in. "I'll do it," he said softly. "Anything to help Nate." He looked over at Gabe with a small sigh. "You're going to be okay with this right?"

"I won't be able to watch," Gabe bit his lip. "But there's no way I'm going to object."

"Good," Alex nodded.

Nate curled up in a little ball on the bed and looked at his two friends. "Thank you," he said softly.

William reached forward and placed a gentle hand on Nate's knee. "Don't worry about it Nate. We'd do anything for you."

"I'm sorry that you've been going through this for so long, Nate," Gabe whispered. He felt bad that he was nervous about William's role in this, but it had to happen.

Nate shook his head. "Don't be sorry," he said with a small frown. "You didn't know because I didn't tell you and even if you did know you probably wouldn't have been able to help in the way you will now."

William nodded silently as he squeezed Gabe's hand, assuring him it would be alright.

"Ok," Alex sighed. "So yeah, that's really it for now...Just keep this quiet, ok?"

"Ok," Gabe nodded.

"Absolutely," William replied with a small nod. "We wouldn't ever tell anyone."

Nate nodded back at them before blinking.

"William," Gabe bit his lip. "Can we go talk somewhere?"

William nodded and looked at Nate one last time before standing. "Be safe you two," he said before walking out of the bus with Gabe in tow.

Now that the bus was almost empty Nate was feeling horrid. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall of the bus, wanting nothing more than to disappear altogether.

"Nate?" Alex tentatively placed his hand on Nate's shoulder.

Nate shivered lightly and pulled away. "Yes?" he asked, not opening his eyes.

"Are you gonna be ok tonight?"

"What do you mean?" Nate asked as he opened his eyes.

"I can stay with you tonight if you need someone," Alex offered.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Nate asked softly, confused by Alex's offering.

"Why the hell would I be mad at you?" Alex asked, shaking his head.

"Because I didn't tell you..." Nate trailed off before swallowing. "I didn't tell you that it was still happening."

"That's ok, Nate, you were scared, that stuff happens..." he shrugged. "It's not grounds for me getting mad at you."

"I could tell when I said that I upset you somehow," Nate said softly. "I figured you were angry at me."

"You didn't upset me, what happened to you upset me," Alex shook his head. "I'm nowhere close to mad."

Nate let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. I'm glad."

"Yeah," Alex nodded. "So do you want me to stay or go?"

Nate reached out and grabbed Alex's hand. "Stay please," he said.

"Ok," Alex kicked off his shoes and climbed back into the bunk. "You're going to be just fine."

Nate nodded in agreement. "As long as you don't leave I won't be scared," he said before grabbing onto Alex. "Sorry for being clingy."

"I don't mind," Alex shook his head. He was glad that he finally had the chance to be closer to Nate. He just wished that the circumstances were different.

Nate smiled and held onto Alex, enjoying the warmth that made him feel safe. "Good," he said, "Because I probably won't let go."

"You don’t have to," Alex wrapped his arm protectively around Nate's waist. "You're safe tonight."

"Just tonight?" Nate asked softly as he clung to Alex.

"No," Alex shook his head. "You're safe as long as I'm around."

Nate smiled up at Alex. "That's really amazing to know."

"It just makes me feel better, knowing that you're safe - but even more so knowing that you feel safe," Alex smiled, pulling Nate a little closer. "Now sleep, baby cobra, and dream."

Nate snuggled up into Alex's warmth before drifting off into dreams about the man who was holding him.

rating: mature, pairing: nate/alex, genre: angst, story: let the wind blow, author: havah24601, band: cobra starship, pairing: gabe/william, band: the academy is...

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