Title: Let The Wind Blow
Authors: Rhee
alifeofourown and Emily
havah24601 Pairing: Nate Novarro/Alex Suarez, Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Post Minor Character Death, Mentions of Sexual Assault
Summary: There's a time in everyone's life where they'll discover that their best friend has a secret they've never told. Alex knows Nate's hiding something from him, but when he finds out what it is, will he still be glad to know?
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own any of these lovely boys, seeing as they have somehow gotten out of my closet. It's a sad day in my world.
Author Notes: This started out as a kick ass roleplay but we both decided to make it into a pretty story for the world! I played Nate and Emily played Alex.
LiveJournal needs to stop having size issues...