Fic. Make Up Test part two

Jan 25, 2011 22:32

Title: Make Up Test
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Finn just came by to apologize. And somehow it leads to sex. It's college. These things happen.
Pairing: Will/Finn
Spoilers: NONE! This be an AU.
AN: College AU with Will and Finn the same age. Because after a months long case of writer's block, this is what my brain came up with and I just went with it.
Warning: Teeny tiniest bit of possibly dubious consent.
Word Count: 9,070 over all. 4,720 for Part Two.

   Will’s barefoot.

It’s an odd thing to notice, he has the sudden inexplicable urge to trace his hands along the fine bones of Will’s ankle and god, he must be far gone if he even finds Will’s feet sexy and again Finn’s mentally kicking himself that he didn’t do this the right way a long time ago.

From the opening of his boxers, Finn notes that Will is just starting to harden.

‘So, at least I’ve got that going for me.’

He wants Will to be turned on. He wants Will to want him, since he has wanted him since almost their first meeting, has imagined this scenario hundreds of times but never ever like this. Impersonal. Unemotional. An evening of the scores.

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

Except you know, less back scratching and more dick sucking.

But he’s come this far and he’s not going to quit now, that never back down from a dare part of him that has led to multiple broken bones and stitches in his childhood has him pushing that screaming sense of wrongness way, way, way down as he helps Will out of his boxers, bracing one hand on Will’s hip. He indulges himself the briefest moment to run his thumb along the line of muscle where thigh meets groin. Starts to press his mouth to the spot which elicits a startled hiss of “Don’t.” from Will.

Don’t enjoy this? Don’t make this meaningful? Don’t draw this out?

He flinches at the reminder of what this is really about, but nods his head. Will’s the one who sets the rules for this.

He licks his lips before actually going in to taste Will, running his tongue over the head of his cock, smoothness of the head contrasting with the roughness of his tongue, salty bitter flavor exploding in his mouth. He swirls his tongue along the head a few more time’s before he closes his lips and actually begins to suck in earnest. Will’s getting harder now, Finn notes and he’s distantly relieved by this, has no fucking clue what he would have done if he hadn’t been able to manage even that.

Will shifts slightly beneath him and Finn breathes through his nose and relaxes his throat as he slides his mouth further up, taking Will in deeper and the muscles in Will’s leg spasms suddenly.

Will’s hands are clenched so tight around the bedspread his knuckles are turning white.

Finn wants to smooth his hands out, tangle their fingers together, he wishes he could see Will’s face from this angle instead of just his torso, nice of a torso as it is.

He hopes Will is smiling, hopes he’s enjoying himself but he doubts it. Will is barely reacting as he works a slow methodical rhythm up and down his cock. There’s the occasional involuntary twitch of his leg but for all Finn could tell Will might very well be mentally reviewing irregular verbs in his head right now.

Finn decides to chance it, moving the hand from Will’s hip to the base of his erection, tracing his thumb between Will’s balls to the sensitive skin just behind there, a move that gifts him with a somewhat grudging moan of pleasure. Okay, that he can work with that, yeah he’ll just…he does it again, rubbing as he sucks, still a slow steady rhythm but speeding up slightly until the trembling in Will’s legs is almost constant and then yessss, Will’s breath speeds up, he’s almost panting and one of Will’s hands comes to curve around the back of Finn’s neck and after so long with nothing, that small touch is suddenly everything and he moans, low and deep in his chest-

And then abruptly Will is shoving him away.


The word is bitten out from behind clenched teeth, jagged and raw and Will expression is pretty much the furthest away you could get from orgasmic.

Finn sits back on his heels and searches Will’s face for some clue as to what happened but Will just looks away and pulls his boxers back on with shaking and fumbling hands.


Finn asks quietly, as Will shuffles backwards on the bed, like he needs to put as much space between them as possible as quickly as possible, until he’s leaning with his back to the wall, knees pulled up to his chest. His face is flushed, he’s breathing hard still, but it’s like he’s working hard to control his breathing, not to breath lighter or easier, but to just control it.

“I’m sorry,” Will mumbles into his arm, where he’s hiding his face. “I’m so sorry.”

“Are you okay?”

Finn wants to reach out and gather Will into his arms, but he honestly fears if he touches him the other boy is going to either punch him or shatter into a million pieces.

Possibly both.

“Yeah. Yeah I am. I just…I shouldn’t have done that. Made you do that. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I was so angry but now I’m just sorry and I--”

Finn realizes Will’s is just going to keep repeating that over and over, and he hesitantly climbs on to the bed to sit near (though not quite close to) Will.

“Will, seriously. It’s alright.”

“No.” Will stubbornly shakes his head, face still buried in his arms so that all Finn can see is the shaking of curls over his arms. “It’s not alright. It was the exact opposite of alright.”

“Will, it’s fine.”

Will looks up then and Finn’s heart squeezes in his chest at the way he’s chewing on his lip, his face looking like it’s taking everything in him not to start crying.

“I shouldn’t have-I am so sorry-so, so, so sorry, Finn.”

Finn puts a hesitant hand on Will’s arm, who tenses for a split second but doesn’t move away.

“It’s okay, Will. I swear it is. Look at me, please. I’m fine. I didn’t do anything I wasn’t willing to do.”

That actually seems to make things impossibly worse and Will squeezes his eyes shut and takes several deep steadying breaths.

“No. I shouldn’t have--that’s no excuse, Finn. Two wrongs…two wrongs don’t make a right. I don’t know what I was thinking, believing this would--I’m such a creep, Finn! How can you even…”

It is almost physically painful listening to Will resolutely dig himself deeper and deeper into this pit of guilt and self loathing, because Finn feels almost relieved at the knowledge that Will didn’t just want head from him, that he hadn’t been able to follow through on his big revenge fantasy, that as justified as he would be in doing so, Will miraculously doesn’t completely despise him.

So, he puts his arms around Will and pulls him closer, tracing a soothing hand up and down his back.

“Will, come on. Trust me when I say that everyone makes mistakes.”

“But I-“

“No. Stop beating yourself up, okay. I’m fine. We are still fine. Right?”

“I’m sorry.”

Seriously. That was starting to get just a bit repetitive.

“You’re forgiven, alright? Which means you don’t have to keep saying it.”

Will leans his head against Finn’s shoulder and Finn rubs his back some more. “You’re forgiven too. You were before we’d even started…this. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

Will’s arms are around Finn as well and he’s desperately clinging to the front of Finn’s shirt. He’s confused and scared and Finn murmurs in his ear, “It’s not a big deal. I…I was happy to do it anyway.”

“No you weren’t.”

“Well, no this isn’t the way I imagined it all going down…but that doesn’t change the fact that I wanted it. I like you, Will. That part was always true.”

“I like you too.” Will confesses it as if it’s something shameful. “That’s why when you ditched me…”

“See, that’s the thing that if anyone’s going to feel sorry for it should be that. And I am. So sorry. Because I really cared about you. Still do.”

“Finn-" Will tilts his head and the next thing Finn knows, they’re kissing. But this isn’t the same unresponsive and glaring Will of only minutes ago. This isn’t the few hasty and frantic kisses from the night of the party before Finn’s hormones had kicked into over drive.

This is Will’s tongue licking it’s way into Finn’s mouth for a slow lazy exploration, counting along his teeth and tracing his palate, and yeah Will’s hands playing with the hairs at the base of his neck and running back and forth across the span of his shoulders and each ridge of his spine, leaving little trails of heat wherever they go.

When Will pulls away, Finn actually lets slip a tiny groan of disappointment which gets him a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth and a nip at his bottom lip.

“So, how did you always imagine it going down?”

Finn blinks at the sudden shift and has to consciously order his brain to process what is being asked of him as it’s currently a puddle of goo right now.

“Oh. Well. How much detail do you want here?”

Another kiss and a low throaty chuckle from Will that might be one of Finn’s new favorite sounds.

“Oh, lots. Paint me a picture here, Hudson.”

“Well, uhh…” Finn’s blushing so much that his ears feel like they’re in danger of melting. Because he’s a nice guy and apparently that translates into ginourmous sap with a fantasy world that borders on the ridiculously cliché.

“I guess… I guess I pictured getting back to my place after a dinner out one night… Uh… You know, and having flowers waiting…”

“Flowers?” Will asks, sounding amused.

“Shut up.” he mumbles.

Will leans over. “Okay, flowers. I’m with you there. Keep talking,” he murmurs in Finn’s ear.

“Well, uh… Originally I was thinking maybe a bottle of wine, but now um…alcohol doesn’t really sound like so hot of an idea anymore for some reason…”

Finn holds his breath, suddenly terrified that attempting to make light of that night will suddenly bring back all of the anger and hurt and ruin the moment.

But, no. Instead of getting mad, Will moves slightly so he’s sitting behind Finn, giving him a full on back rub. Finn finds it kind of hard to talk. “So, I guess the wine is out…”

“If the next words out of your mouth are anything involving candles or Barry White music, I may start laughing, just so you know.”

But his tone is teasing, so Finn just gives him a joking elbow to the ribs and then absently traces his hand over the spot.

“Well, if you’re gonna be a killjoy about it…so uh, here we are in my candle and Barry White free dorm and we’re um-we’re on my bed and I’m kissing you. Just kissing you and kissing you all over. Your throat. Your shoulders.” He swallows hard. “Your chest.”

Abruptly, Finn realizes two things: Will still has no pants on and is sitting close enough behind him that he can feel his still half-hard erection; and two, Will is now kissing his neck. He freezes up in reaction, but Will again just whispers for him to keep talking, then bites his earlobe gently. Finn opens his mouth to speak, but Will’s tongue darts inside his ear and he groans instead, which elicits another of those brain meltingly hot low throaty laughs.

“Uhhhh… Anyway… Uh…” Finn has lost his train of thought, his train has completely careened off the tracks because all he can think about is what Will is doing, not what he dreamed of doing to Will. “I wanted to, to work my way down your chest, kind of… teasing.”

“Teasing is good.”

Will’s hand creeps around his chest, and his fingers rub at one of Finn’s nipples, which is easy to find because Finn’s more turned on than he thinks is probably appropriate, and even through his shirt the feeling of Will’s fingers sets off shivers of pleasure, which shoot down his body and straight to his pelvis. He has to shift slightly and force himself to keep his mind on what he’s saying.

“Undo your fly…”

Will pinches his nipple and he whimpers. “With your teeth?” Will suggests, smiling into Finn’s shoulder.

“Anyone ever tell you that no one likes a backseat driver? Whose fantasy is this, mine or yours?”

“I haven’t decided yet.” And before Finn can figure out what that means, Will’s hand drops down and palms against his inseam.

Which kind of has Finn’s train of thought going up in a big fiery explosion. He only hopes the conductor managed to jump off in time. But when finally he manages to speak again, “Okay, you win. With my teeth. There. Happy?”

“Very.” Will purrs in his ear, honest to fucking god purrs. And then he ducks his head back down to scrape his teeth lightly along the tendons of Finn’s neck, backtracking to trace over the spot with his tongue.

Will’s hand is now sliding up and down the outside of Finn’s jeans in a most deliberate fashion and Finn’s confused. Very, very turned on. But confused. Which is often his default setting with Will, so you think he’d be used to it by now.

“What were you going to do when my boxers were off?” Will prompts.

Possibly a victory dance, he doesn’t say.

“I can’t…I can’t think when you’re doing that…” Finn says in a voice that’s almost a whine.

“You want me to stop?”

“No!” Finn yelps, a little more vehement than he meant to. “I mean… Uh… You should only… Only do it if you really, really want to…”

Will doesn’t say anything, but his hand hasn’t stopped moving, and Finn’s jeans are starting to feel restrictive in a bad way. He wants to loosen them or take them off but he doesn’t want to seem like he wants Will to do anything Will might not want to, so he tries to start talking again.

“Uhhh… Yeah, get your boxers off and then… Uh… Well, you can guess the rest.”

“I bet I can,” Will says, and Finn feels Will unzip his fly and undo the button of his jeans, and Finn is more than happy to shimmy out of them. It feels almost like breathing again to have his erection free of restriction until Will’s hand grasps it, and then he can’t catch his breath at all.

The extremely embarrassing high pitched noise that slips from his throat is definitely a whine, because Will’s hand is creating all sorts of wonderful delicious friction as it works up and down his length and holy fuck it’s better than Finn remembered, Will touching him, better than Finn would let himself remember because now it’s without the haze of alcohol or the sick sour taste of ‘Oh my God, what the fuck did you do?’ coloring his memory of the last time this happened.

Will’s other hand slips over Finn’s chest and begins toying with his nipple through his shirt again, but after a few moments Will seems to decide that such restrictions just will not do and with an irritated little huff he begins to tug if off. Catching the hint easily (because he’s smart like that) and happy to do anything to encourage Will to keep touching him, please and thank you, Finn helps pull it off and now is sitting around, getting a handjob from someone who, ten minutes ago, was unspeakably angry at him.

It’s college.

These things happen.

He’s still a little hazy on how this particular thing happened, but doesn’t object any. Because he may not be that bright but he’s not stupid. Will licks his thumb and forefinger and twists Finn nipple until he whimpers, partially from the ache and partially from the pleasure it creates.

Will kisses his neck again, and then whispers in his ear, “Did you ever fantasize about anything else?”

“Uh…” Finn can barely think; all the blood in his body is rushing somewhere that definitely isn’t his brain. “Like… Like what…?”

“Like sex,” Will answers. “Like lying face down on my bed and having me inside you.”

“Not…exactly.” Meaning not until this very moment until Will mentioned and it suddenly became the only thing Finn could think about.

“You want to try it anyway?”

Finn nods, and Will releases him. “Take your boxers off,” he says, in the same quietly firm voice he’d use during their tutoring sessions when he’d say things like “three more review questions and then we’ll take a break.” And just like it always does, it has Finn instantly complying and impossible more turned on because apparently he’s a little bit freaky like that.

Finn turns to watch Will as he does so, leaving them in a heap on the floor, like the rest of his clothes. He watches in fascination as Will strips off his own clothes, shirt, socks, and finally his boxers, and the sight of Will naked unconsciously sends his hand to his own cock. Not just because Will’s hot. Which he is because hello Will’s strong arms and broad chest and lickable hipbones and gorgeous, gorgeous everything. No, it’s because of how completely and totally comfortable Will is in his own skin, like taking off his clothes also removed whatever inhibitions Will had and somehow magically released his inner secret sex ninja. Christ, where is all of this coming from and how had he missed that this had been sitting across from him in the library all this time?

He continues to watch as Will reaches into his top dresser drawer and rummages around, and Finn’s heartbeat speeds up as he sees Will produce a condom and a small tube of slick.
At that Finn starts to wonder just how experienced Will actually is because lube says, I’m a guy and I enjoy jerking off. However, lube plus condoms are pretty much indisputable proof that Will’s orgasms happen with at least two people in the room. Which is a possibility that has a sudden flare of possessive jealousy clawing at his chest. But that thought is cut off as Will joins him on the bed again, nudging his side. “All fours,” he says.

Instantly that jealousy is replaced by the much more pleasant sensation of “fuck yeah, do me right now” and as he obeys, rolling over and propping himself up on his hands and knees, Finn doesn’t give a damn about who might have been here first because they’re sure as hell not here now. They’re not the one that Will is staring at intently with the kind of look that makes him feel shivery and hot all over at the same time, they’re not the one that has Will kneeling between their legs, they’re not the one who, oh Jesus fuck, who has one of Will’s slicked up fingers touching him right fucking there.

Finn lets out a long loud moan that if he’d be slightly embarrassed about how unbelievably desperate and also kind of slutty it sounded, you know if he could form coherent thoughts, and presses back slightly to emphasize what he wants.

Will surprises him though. Of course. By once again not giving him what he thinks he wants in favor of something impossibly better that he didn’t even know he wanted until he got it. Because Will’s smart like that.

He leans down and quickly runs his tongue along the line he’d been coating, a long careful stripe over the sensitive spot which has Finn letting out a noise that must be somewhat amusing judging from the rumbling laugh it elicits from Will that Finn can feel in his spine and oh my god, Finn’s body is convulsing and it takes everything in him keep himself propped up, as Will’s tongue probes at his body, licking out around the rim and then pressing inside and yeah, that noise Finn just made, that desperate keening noise being ripped from his throat as Will opens him up with his fingers and his mouth?

Definitely more than a little bit slutty.

As is the way Finn is desperately repeating over and over “Will, Will, Will, please, want, need, please, please…” as he actually almost sobs at the loss when Will pulls away.

And then it’s not Will’s fingers and tongue, it’s the head of Will’s cock pressing close, so damn close to his entrance and then forward and then in and Finn’s wondering where all of his bones went because he’d swear there is nothing holding him up right now, his elbows start to give out and Will loses his balance slightly and slides forward and farther in which hey, so not at all a bad thing.

Will places a kiss to the small of Finn’s back as he helps tug him back into position and the unexpectedly sweet gesture is all it takes for whatever lingering nerves Finn might have had to vanish. Because as crazy weird hot as this whole thing is, that’s the Will he knows.

And then Will’s got one one slick hand wrapping around Finn’s erection and the other bracing against his hip. Will’s jacking him off with a rhythm that just dances around being too rough while he simultaneously rocks their hips together and moves excruciatingly gentle in and out. The contrast is so fanfuckingtastic that Finn would swear his spine just melted out of his toes and he honestly doesn’t know if he should concentrate more on staying upright or not coming immediately.

In the end, he compromises and falls down to his elbows, slightly better able to support himself from that angle.

Almost immediately, Will adjusts to it and begins to move faster, no longer pulling all the way out, but now pushing deeper. Finn’s moan is almost continuous, aside from long panted inhalations, and holding on is getting harder and harder…

Will thrusts all the way in, and then again, and on the third sharp snap of his hips he hits Finn’s prostate just as a lube coated finger runs up the ridge at the bottom of Finn’s dick, and that’s the end of that, Finn is fucking done. Swirling starbursts of light explode in front of his eyes, blood pounding in his ears, and he’s breathing too heavily to even moan as he comes. It’s all he can do to stay in the position instead of collapsing into a sweaty boneless heap so Will can continue to his own climax, and doing so takes self control he wouldn’t have ever previously suspected he had.

Just as his arms are starting to shake from the effort of staying upright, Finn is finally blessed with a sudden moment of brilliance of his own and he twists his body in half and kisses Will somewhere in the vicinity of his chin. Wrapping his legs around the back of Will’s calves and clenching around him and Will gasps sharply and slams forward one last time and then climaxes with a long satisfied exhalation.

Will pulls out, and Finn finally just sort of tumbles down into the wrinkled sheets, more than grateful to wave the white flag in the battle to stay upright, feeling the stickiness below him but not caring. Will rolls off of him and sits against the wall, and it’s a long time before either one of them moves.

“So…” Finn finally says, rolling over and observing how beautiful Will is, sitting perfectly still, naked, flushed, and sweating.

“Yeah,” Will answers, sounding kind of out of it. “I should…” he mumbles.”You know, clean up…"

“There’s…um, stuff all over your comforter…”

“Yeah, I figured…”

It’s dancing around the subject and they both know it, but finally Finn makes himself get up and walks to Will’s desk, finds the paper towel roll and brings it back to him, who cleans himself up, throws out the condom, and then does the best he can to clean up the bed. Finn watches him, still fascinated by every move he makes, the graceful economy of it all and oh yeah, the fact that he’s not wearing any clothes, and finally they’re both sitting on the bed together. Will is still naked; Finn is wearing only socks. Which ironically enough is always usually the first thing Finn takes off during sex because it’s a well established fact that naked with just socks is like the total anti-sexy, but hey it’s kind of fair to say that he’d been a little bit distracted. Just another of the many, many, many ways this evening did not go at all as planned.

And then it’s just the sudden oppressive weight of, ‘well now what?’ hovering in the air around them.

“So, uh…” Finn says. “You wanna go out some time?”

“Yeah.” Will nods. “That would be nice.”

And then they’re glancing at each other and laughing hysterically at how spectacularly backasswards they’ve gone about this whole thing.

Just giggling like little kids and every time they start to calm down a look at the other sets it off all over again. Finally after several minutes when it’s eventually died out to just the occasional chuckle and snort, Finn reaches for Will and pulls him close. A second brief tangle of limbs as Finn settles onto his back and then he’s kissing Will hard, only pulling away when that pesky need for oxygen becomes an issue and even then he keeps a hold of the back of Will’s head, keeping their foreheads touching and enjoying the feeling of Will’s breath fanning across his cheek.

“I should study, but I don’t want to move…”

Finn laughs. He can practically feel the big dumb dopey grin on his face and he doesn’t even care, not when Will’s looking at him with that soft fond smile.

“I should stop distracting you, but I don’t want to move either.”

“Then I guess we’re both just at an impasse…”



“I’m not mad anymore,” Will finally says.

“I’m glad. I kind of figured that, but it’s still good to hear it.”

“And I’m still sorry about…”

“It’s fine.” Finn’s feeling kind of giddy and he decides to chance kissing the tip of Will’s nose, which gets him an indulgent eye roll. “I’d so go down on you in a second.”

“I’d take you up on that, but I’m pretty spent.” Will smiles back at him. “How about a rain check?” And the way his hand curves around Finn’s hip has his dick giving a more than half interested little twitch. Which has Will burying his face into Finn’s shoulder and letting out another snort of laughter.

“Down, boy.”

And Finn can’t even be embarrassed about his body’s total one track mind, not when he and Will have a date and Will just basically told him that tonight wasn’t going to be a one time thing.

No, instead Finn shifts over again and sits up with his back against the wall and Will moves to sit next to him, then changes his mind and lies down, head on Finn’s thigh, staring up at Finn’s face. Which yeah, is likely totally in freaking danger of splitting in half due to how wide he’s smiling.



“I didn’t mean it when I said you weren’t a nice guy.”

“Yeah you did, Will.”

Will opens his mouth to object, but Finn quiets him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“You meant it when you said it. And that’s okay because I deserved it. It’s fine, Will. I’m cool with just being a mostly nice guy who messes up on occasion. It makes me all complex and stuff.”

Complex is good Finn thinks. Complex is like Will being the generally perfect, adorable, sweet, kind of obsessive compulsive nerd Finn is so totally gone on who also happens to be a secret sex ninja.

And in the name of being a mostly nice guy Finn reaches out as far as he can without moving and manages to grab Will’s Spanish flashcards off of the edge of the desk, and they spend the next hour on Will bed, reviewing vocab, before so much as moving to get dressed.

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