Will/Finn. Fic Masterpost. Closer 'Verse

Nov 20, 2010 11:49

Will/Finn series in chronological order:

1)Title: Closer
Author: alicebluegown16
Pairing/Characters: Finn, Will, implied/unrequited Finn/Will, mentions of Rachel/Finn, Puck/Quinn, Kurt/Sam
Rating: R
Summary: Finn and Will bonding over angry bad day music (the Warren mix) on a ride home.
AN: For the winn prompt: Will gives Finn a ride home and he finds out Will has some slightly surprising taste in music.

He hasn’t really been able to have much one on one time with Mr. Schue lately and he’s kind of missed it. You know, in a strictly teacher/mentor/no homo kind of way. )

2) Title: Hollywood Ending
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: R
Summary: Finn and Will bonding over movies, moral ambiguity, and how much it sucks sometimes being a grown up.
Characters/Pairings: Will, Finn, Will/Finn (unrequited), mentions of past Rachel/Finn, Mercedes, Kurt/Sam, Puck/Quinn, Rachel/Mike, Santana/Brittany, Artie/Tina, and OFC
AN: For the winn prompt: Finn and Will going on an accidental date.

( Yeah, that’s not all inappropriate. )

3) Title: All in My Head
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Five dreams Will Schuester has had about Finn Hudson.
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn (unrequited)
AN: For the people who wanted to see Will's point of view on things...Enjoy?
Warnings: Angst. Sooo much angst.

( It doesn’t mean anything. )

4) Title: My Mind is Set on You
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Will hasn't had a decent night's sleep in thirty-three days. But who's counting, right?
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, Puck, mentions of Rachel, Sue, Brittany
AN: For the winn prompt meme: Will has insomnia and Finn is the only one who makes it better.
Warning: Angst. Will's dirty, dirty, sleep deprived mind. And angst.

( “No one can see us, Mr. Schue. Just close your eyes and relax, okay? " )

5) Title: Tell the Truth Now
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairings: Will/Finn, Puck, mentions of Kurt/Sam, Rachel/Mike, Tina/Artie, various Gleeks, Sue, Emma, Principal Figgins
Summary: A fundraiser gone wrong and Will and Finn finally being honest with each other. And there's pie.

(He will at least give Coach Sylvester this. When the blood starts gushing from Mr. Schue’s nose, she does look genuinely horrified.)

6) Title: Subtext
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: R
Summary: Will and Finn hanging out and watching movies. And then deciding it'd be more fun not to watch a movie.
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, various Finn/male celebrity crushes
Warning: Profuse movie spoilers within. Second person p.o.v.

( You’re not going to let him distract you. )

7) Title: This Side of Acceptance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kurt finds out.
Character/Pairing: Kurt, Finn/Will, mentions of past Rachel/Finn, Sam/Kurt, and Rachel/Mike
Spoilers: None, this series was started pre-season two and as such, various relationships/plot points deviate from canon.

( Truly, this is just an absolute red letter day for learning all sorts of new things. )

8) Title: Wisdom
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: R
Pairing: Will/Finn, mentions of past Will/Terri and Will/Male.
Summary: Finn learns more about Will's not so perfect past.
AN: For the Winn prompt: Finn finding out that Will is the child of alcoholics and how it affects their relationship.
Warnings: Angst. Possible triggers.
Word Count: 7,240 overall. 2,700 for part one.

(“What do you want me to say, Finn? My parents are drunks. They’ve been drunks as long as I can remember and unless there is some minor miracle, they will be drunks until they die.")

9) Title: Literary Criticism
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17 (and how!)
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, mentions of past Will/Terri and Will/OMC
Summary: Will and Finn bonding over books. And also blowjobs.
Warning: Some angst, shameless fulfilling of my nerd!kink and my need to objectify Will Schuester, and lots of smut.
Word Count: 7,820 overall. 3,800 for Part One.

(“Sometimes Will does this thing where he sits on the edge of his desk in Spanish class and it’s all I can do not to crawl across the floor and tug down his zipper with my teeth.”)

10) Title: The Least Difficult of Men
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: NC-17 (So very, very, very NC-17)
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, cameos from Carole, Rachel, Puck, Santana, Kurt
Summary: There's Will and Finn's first time. And then there's the many, many, many memorable times after that.
Word Count:8,440 overall. 4,170 for Part One.
Warnings: Smut. Sooooooo much smut. I have actually far exceeded my own expectations when it comes to writing sappy shmoopy porn.

(They celebrate the one hour anniversary of Finn being his former student by having sex in the choir room.)

will/finn closer 'verse masterlist

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