Daily Journal Goal - FOR THE CHILDREN!!!

Oct 18, 2012 13:19

April 5, 2012 13:43 Age: 196 days
Reporting Child Abuse Becomes Mandatory in Georgia on July 1

On July 1, not reporting suspected child abuse will become a crime for most anyone who regularly comes in contact with children, because of an amendment recently passed by both houses of the Georgia Legislature.

According to an April 5 Atlanta Journal-Constitution story, when the change becomes law, employees or volunteers at agencies, businesses, nonprofits or other groups that work with children will be under mandate to report abuse. Melissa Carter, director of the Barton Child Law and Policy Center, was quoted in the story.

"If you volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club or volunteer with your church doing a children's service, that would make you a mandatory reporter," Carter said. "It's hard to imagine an exception to that very broad category. It's very inclusive."

The revision was written by Georgia Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver 72L, after the Penn State abuse scandal involving football coach Jerry Sandusky. Under current Georgia law, coaches who are not teachers are not required to report child abuse.

The bill now awaits Gov. Nathan Deal’s signature. Spokesman Brian Robinson said the governor "definitely will sign" the bill, the AJC reports.

October 18, 2012

Greetings Parent Volunteers,

I would like to thank you personally for the support and dependable assistance that you offer through your volunteer service to our school. Our school would not be able to run as smoothly and as effectively without you. We consider you a vital part of our school community.

The state of Georgia recently passed a law expanding the listing of persons who are now categorized as mandated reporters of child abuse. This list now includes you as school volunteers. To assist with ensuring that all school volunteers are aware of the new responsibility
and penalties associated with non-compliance, the Dekalb County School Social Work department has developed an informational presentation to be shared with those interested in volunteering in DeKalb schools.

Ms. Julie Mann, our School Social Worker, has teamed up with Nan Keel, Media Specialist, and the Charter Council to provide you with a brief presentation relating to the responsibility of a volunteer as a mandated reporter. For your convenience, we are offering two different presentation dates and times. The first one will be a morning session on Tuesday, October 30th at 8:00 am and an afternoon session on Thursday, November 1st at 1:30 pm. The presentation will take place in the Cafeteria.

Please select a date and time that best suits your schedule. Since this presentation is mandatory for all persons who volunteer in DeKalb County schools, you will be asked to sign a log indicating that you have viewed the presentation and understand your responsibilities. The presentation should last about 15 minutes.

Please RSVP on the following link: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080F48A5AD2BA46-volunteer

Thank you,

Dr. Smith


Dr. Smith,

I received your letter of the new requirement by the State of Georgia that all school volunteers are now considered mandatory reporters. Though I understand my social responsibility, and would not fail to report any suspicions, I have great reservations that my service to the school could put me in a risky position.

Employees, teachers and caretakers have the option of not choosing a field that makes them mandatory reporters - volunteers also can choose this course. However, since the Charter requires that the families put in sixteen hours of “volunteer” work, then they are forced into this category.

I’m not clear on the specifics of whether only the volunteers that come in contact with the children are placed into this category, or all volunteers. If a volunteer chooses opportunities to work the hours required without student contact, are they still required to be mandatory reporters?

I believe it’s clear by my record that I wish to do service for the school. I have already logged over twenty hours this year, and usually hit at least three times that number by year’s end. However, if it is going to be requirement that I put myself at risk of liability and penalties for non-compliance, I must respectfully decline to do any further volunteer work.


Alice Jackson


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