Daily Journal Goal - Do quizzes count?

Nov 01, 2012 23:00


Your Quiz Results:

Test 1: You are an Introvert (I).
Test 2: You are an Intuitive (N).
Test 3: You are a Thinker (T).
Test 4: You are a Judger (J).

Your Myers-Briggs personality type is < I N T J >: "The Mastermind".

INTJ's are critical, independent visionaries.


Constantly looking for improvement in self and others
Naturally challenges the status quo
Very analytical
Unlikely to be a victim of the pitfalls of bureaucratic or societal influence
Best of all types at playing devil's advocate
Can be a great listener
Unique, piercing vision
Able to intuit when things are going wrong or when something won't work
Great with strategy and contingency plans
Knows self very well
Able to quickly spot inconsistencies in statements and plans alikea
Has a good imagination, though it's often not apparent
Has extreme determination when they put their mind to something


May expect others to have the same drive that they do, and be harsh on them when they don't follow through or fail to do a good job
Can be very uneasy until a solution is solved, a job finished, or an answer thoroughly answered
Has to train self to put up with necessary day-to-day details
Can be overly harsh on themselves
Gets frustrated when progress isn't being made
May try to intellectualize a moment instead of enjoying it for its own sake
Often difficult for people to understand
Gets frustrated when others aren't being logical
Very low tolerance for 'needless' small talk (which they deem as an irrelevant waste of time)
May come across as pushy or uncomfortable
Doesn't trust others
Values own opinion and views above others and may defensively protect these in an unproductive manner
May come across as being condescending
Ignores or discounts others too quickly

Famous and Fictional INTJ's include:

C.S. Lewis
Thomas Jefferson
Dennis Miller
George Lucas
Lisa Simpson
Stewie from The Family Guy
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