Oct 15, 2012 16:49
Let's talk about something non-ranty, since it seems I am in a terribly ranty mood lately. I keep thinking of topics of how the world has wronged me, how everyone hates me and is out to get me! :p So, the best topic to avoid tangents like that is food!
Daric's ex-step-mom (or otherwise known as my ex-ex-step-mother-in-law), Betty and his Aunt Jean came to visit. They're both really great people, and love them both. We were busy this weekend, although I totally crapped out on Saturday, sleeping when they went to the school's fall festival, and then later when they went to a movie. Anyway, I like to cook at least one meal when people visit, so it was decided Sunday would be the day.
I had a pork loin thawed and decided to do Megan's favorite, which is the pork loin cut open and flattened out and then rolled back up with a stuffing of bacon, raisins or dried cranberries, and bread crumbs. There was a little snag, in that I realized that we'd be gone most of the day, so I wouldn't have time to cook it totally after we got home. It would not do well in the crock pot, so I tried something I'd never done before. I made it up the night before, and put it in the oven at 9:30am at 225 degrees. It cooked until we arrived home at 5pm. It was very pale, so I cooked it for a short time at 500 and it came out perfect.
The night before I also started making the no-knead bread, and in the morning formed the rolls then put them in the fridge. I let them sit out for about 30 minutes, then baked them up for warm rolls with dinner... again, perfect!
I don't know why, but I really just wanted roasted carrots. Once again, something I'd never done before, because almost no one in my house would eat them. But, I cut them into chunks, tossed them with oil, salt and pepper and a drizzle of honey. Put them in a 425 oven for about 25 mins while the bread was rising. Yum!
And, sometimes I can really mess up rice... especially when I try to make it flavored with stock. However, I thawed 2 pints of my homemade chicken stock, cooked the rice with it, and it was.. well... perfect! ;)
We also had some french green beans, but that was just microwaved and butter added. xD
An all round great meal that I was proud of.