sub-quest four | ☰☰RE☱☱☱UT☳☵☶☷☳☵IC☱

Nov 05, 2010 20:00

CHARACTERS | everyone!
DATE | November 5th~8th
SUMMARY | There's a few NPCs gathered around a strange glitch in a wall in the Alchemy District, across from the Gondolas. At first it appears it's some sort of reflection off the water, but brick isn't reflective... Do you dare to investigate?

LOG | Anyone on their way to the alchemy district would find that after rounding the corner by the gondolas, there was a fairly large group of NPCs murmuring and fretting over a part of the wall which seemed to ripple like a water reflection. Their AIs were programmed to detect anomalies and cluster around them, staving off any curious passerby until the GMs found the problem and could fix it, but it seemed they were doing quite the opposite.

With every passing player, an NPC would step out from the group and ask for help in a manner of ways-- whether commenting on how courageous/brave someone looked, or if they seemed helpful, or even asking them to just come have a look and ask what they think. It can't be too dangerous if the NPCs were asking for help, right? It might even be a special quest!

Upon approaching, even a fingertip laid on the wall will transport you to a barren desert field in a canyon. The monsters are tough, but seem unfinished and glitchy, unable to attack half of the time. There's a number of clashing creatures for the area type-- some elemental dogs with no shadows, spear fish floating around, and a number of mechanical seahorses without their balance bar. They span multiple levels if they have a level at all; some simply say lvl.☶☵☳, and they don't go much over level 25 strength-wise.

So, brave cleric, brandier, dancer, blade, partizan, grappler, punisher, rogue, reaper, or warlock-- do you explore this new warp point on the wall?

( ooc | as usual, don't forget to add your character tag if you reply! and if you'd like a monster npc in your thread, just request it in your comment subject! )

(okami) amaterasu, (final fantasy iv) kain highwind, (star ocean 3) albel nox, (code geass) suzaku kururugi, !sub-quest, #open, (tales of symphonia) richter abend, (tramps like us) takeshi gouda

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