Avatar State, Yip-Yip!

Jul 20, 2008 11:52

So, thanks to the wonders of the internet, I got to watch the Avatar series finale!!

Overall, I was happy with the ending. Really pleased that Aang found a way to take away Father Fire Lord Ozai's fire bending instead of killing him. (Yeah, I know, it's a kids' show, so of course he wouldn't kill him, but still I was happy with it :) ) I'm also happy for the good old fashion happy ending. It seems to be the trend these days to throw a bit of angst in endings. Mind you--I don't mind it, but every once in a while I crave an "everybody lives happily ever after" scenario, and this show delivered!

Other thoughts:

The animation was excellent! Even in the poor quality of Youtube, it was superb! Am very much wanting to watch it again in high resolution!

I felt as though they pushed Sokka's joking around a little too much here. Yes, I love Sokka and his craziness, but it felt a bit force-fed here, too much of it. Don't know how to properly explain it.

After everyone Aang was introduced to, everything that's happened, everything he's learned, he found a way to deal with the fire lord properly from...a random lion turtle of all things?! The lion turtle was really cool, but still. Ah well.

Did anyone else find Fire Lord Ozai really hot? ("hot"...no pun intended, lol) I certainly did!

I actually enjoyed the Zuko/Azula fight a lot more than the Aang/Ozai fight. Why? We know a lot more about Azula, we've seen her incredible power, and we all know Zuko was gonna face off with her eventually based on their many teaser square-offs with each other. Ozai, however, has always been mentioned only by word, we see only glimpses of him, we don't really get to see his power even though everyone keeps saying "zomg, he's UBER-POWERFUL!" Then all of a sudden he's burning stuff and getting in this big-huge fight with Aang. I think the fight would have been better if we had more of a taste of what was to come, been teased a bit, like with Azula.

I wanted more Iroh. And Mai. And Ty-Lee. Instead we get a bunch of characters that have appeared in only one or two episodes. Oh well. At least we did get to see more of Iroh, and it was nice seeing the others again :) (that and Order of the White Lotus ftw!)

Ty-Lee as a Kyoshi warrior suits her well, I think. *nods*

Sokka + Suki = AWESOME. Very much like the pairing :) And Sokka was wonderful in these last few episodes! I'm glad they didn't overshadow him or make him soley the comic relief. "Bye space sword!" I agree! Poor sword!

I can never stop loving Toph. Glad she got the screentime she deserved. For a while she was turning into the Shippo of Avatar--only around to make the occasional snide remark here and there.

Did anyone else find Azula's nervous breakdown a bit sudden? I knew she was going to crack, but wow! They should have given it more time to happen--it was a little hard to swallow.

Zutara fans: MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOLED YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In all seriousness, though, I never really liked Aang/Katara all that much. However, Zuko/Katara never made any sense. They had no interaction throughout most of the show, no solid reason to be shipped. There was no substance in that ship, so I brushed it off as silly fangirls being silly fangirls just because Zuko is Avatar's Sasuke. HOWEVER, these latest episodes did a REALLY, REALLY GOOD JOB in expressing the potential, the possibilities of that pairing. It probably helped that Zuko has changed--I like the new Zuko better than the "zomg WHERE'S THE AVATAR evil spaz-attack!!" Zuko of season 1 and part of season 2 (couldn't stand him!) These last episodes did such a good job that by the end I was hoping Zuko and Katara would get together. Yes, I have become a Zutarian! *sobs* So I was a little disappointed when Zuko ended up back with Mai while Aang and Katara shared that gigantic, incredibly corny smooch. CURSE YOU, MIKE AND BRYAN! For a few episodes, I was converted to the crazy-insane world that is Zutaria and you had to go and slap it in my face!!

Ah well. There's always fanfic and fanart. Plotbunnies are already bouncing around in my head.

And finally: WHERE WAS CABBAGE GUY?! *cries* I was really hoping I'd get to see him one last time before the show ended! Or mouth-foam guy! Sadly, I was denied both. *sniff-sniff*

Well, now that the show's over, I am positively STOKED about the movie! Yeah, I know, the fandom has done nothing but complain about it. Whatever. I really like Avatar. I also really like M. Night Shyamalan's films. Therefore, I am nothing but giddy over the movie! So shoot me.

avatar, fandom

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