Hurm. Just a random assortment of junk- kind of like the closet!

Jun 26, 2008 21:33

I don't know. I don't know. Heh.

I just don't know.

I used to take photography right? And we had to do emulations right? I did Diane Arbus. There are more by her.

Needless to say, I set my bar far too high as I'm just starting out. But I think I've been inspired.

I mean, walking into a teen section of Barnes and Noble, you don't see many books about people on the very brinks of polite society. Yeah, you have Twilight (*teeny shudder*) and Libba's books and Sold (from what I understand, it's about a young girl from southeastern Asia who becomes a prostitute to help get money, I've been meaning to read it), but not much else that you see. So often now you see books like The Clique, Gossip Girls, The A List Series...I'm sorry if this offends anyone because that's not my intention, but is this REALLY considered literature?

I have so many ideas floating around. I have one I've put on hold about a Gypsy boy during the French Revolution. I'm working on one about a Jewish girl named Sophie, a magician named Kazimir, and an Albino who is yet to be named set in England during the backdrop of World War II (it's called Plainsong if you're curious, and yes, it derives from the song by The Cure that is in Marie Antoinette!).  And I have yet another story idea that I already have a title for (...And This is Your Brain on Drugs) about a suicidal, heroin-addicted father (I'd like to thank the immensely talented and, in my opinion, handsome, Brad Dourif for inspiring me in the father role, and that is a compliment), his waitress daughter who smokes Camel and is yearning to escape her town, a young man living with Aspergers who is in love with the daughter, as well as some other strange but lovable characters.

Overwhelming, yes. But I do plan on writing each and every one of these over the course of the summer. I desperately need to get myself some notebooks and pencils.

To be honest I'm sick of being put down for my passions.  I was made fun of so much in middle school for the way I looked and acted and what I read. Well, I'm sorry I don't want to turn out like the rest of you brainwashed, stupid, idiotic girls (harsh, yes, but true..they hardly know what's going on in places like Iraq and Uganda and Zimbabwe much less the United States). I actually want to be educated. I do NOT want to be a wallflower.

For a long time I wanted to act. And I guess part of me still does. I'd never make it big time-I'm not attractive enough and I'm not sure I have the talent (I've been in a lot of plays/talent competitions and i've been told I'm good, but meh), but I could always try, right?

I have a "brother". (He's the one I told you about fate, bryy) He used to get on my case for a lot of things and used to tell me "don't do this, don't do that". I finally just snapped and flat out told him- "Never tell me that I can't."

Because I CAN. Yeah, it's a challenge. But so was Everest. So was landing on the moon. And those two are much more complicated than what I want to do. If they can do it, why can't I?

In other news..hmm...I'm currently drinking chai tea. Yummy. There is a bug that is flying around my kitchen lamplight and therefore bugging the Kashi cereal that I ate for breakfast out of me.
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