Jul 01, 2008 19:00
Nothing new in my life at all. I have a much dreaded dentist appointment tomorrow. Woop-dee-doo. I am eating a muffin. 'Tis quite delicious- carrot and raisin. Nom nom nom.
I've also started ...And This is Your Brain on Drugs. It hasn't exactly started off as I would like it. In fact, I'll be honest, the first chapter is a little dull. Maybe by the time I get to posting it on the inter-webz though I can spruce it up and make it better. So far my characters are (in order of appearance):
Neecey Elizabeth Bennett (I didn't realize until later that I had Elizabeth Bennett stuck in there, hehe...and I kinda stole Berenice's nickname as a first name, it's just so beautiful that I could not resist. I was going to have her birthname as Berenice, but upon writing Tucker I've decided he's too childish to give her an actual name)
Tucker Matthew Bennett (the one somewhat based off of Brad Dourif..I got the idea for him after seeing Brad in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
George Maier (owner of the cafe that Neecey works at. He's slightly based off of an older man who looks like a thinner, shorter, American version of Christopher Lee that I see every so often on the treadmill at my local gym)
Kayla Blanc (Neecey's best friend. Not sure how I feel about her yet)
And that's all. I've only just started the second chapter. I'm trying to decide how I should portray Tucker. He's the suicidal cocaine addict, and I want him to be kind of childish and almost in a way dependent of Neecey (he's been addicted since he was in his twenties).
But should he be sort of bipolar- one moment angry and frustrated, the next moment so happy you'd have a seizure just listening to him talk sort of thing? Should he be brooding and the solitary type? So far I've only given him a single friend and that's George. Heck, his wife (a/k/a Neecey's madre) ran out on him after Neecey was born and left for California. If anyone has any advice that would be amazing.
I'm trying not to make the plot too cliched. So far what I have is, Neecey is a 20-year old living in small town Haverhill, MA. She wants to be a psychologist, but due to the fact her and her father can't bring in enough money she must put her college career on hold. Not wanting to be as addicted as her father she has taken up smoking. She works at a cafe called George & Betty's, a huge hit with tourists where she can indulge in one of her favorite hobbies, people-watching. While trying to figure out the mystery that is her mother, Sandra Parker, she meets a guy named Joseph who tries to convince Neecey to leave with him to Texas.
I'm thinking maybe she'll accept the request, then tragedy strikes back home and she has to go back. But I'm trying to keep this from being cliched and so far it seems..done before. Does anyone have anything else I could add? Seriously, it would be a huge help and I'll totally give you credit.