
Aug 18, 2010 09:11

So I'm really wanting to write today. Last night as I fell asleep I was worrying about all the things that are going wrong in my life - something that I habitually do and hate because it never helps- and I managed to get into that writing mode where its almost like you are living in your subconscious instead of your conscious mind. I don't know if other writers feel that way, but I also get to that trance state when I play music and it goes really well. Its like you become some sort of magic portal to another world. Its effing cool btw. Anyhoo I feel like i've stayed in that mode today, which can be kindof bad when you're trying to do things like drive to work. You find yourself suddenly somewhere other than where you meant to be like you've been sleepwalking. Distracting. Am i mad? Probably. LOL!

Okay so I've been writing this big novel that I think is good and publishable and I'm at a point where I am so sick of it i can't see the forest for the trees, so I'm going to leave it alone a while and try to work on something else. In the past I always worked on several stories so that if i didn't feel like working on one I could work on the other. So thats what i've decided to do. I'm going to start editing my old novels and see if I can't improve the writing. I've learned so much from doing this last novel that I hope I can make something of them - at least make them good enough to publish here as fiction for free. Let me know if you all are interested in that sort of thing. Also I'm going to try to blog at least one day of the week. Just to keep in touch.
Anyway, thats the story morning glories for today.

As for the day jobs, I had an interview with Cal Tech yesterday and I love it there and hope that they'll ask me back for a second interview with the actual scientists that I'd be working with. Everything crossed. Please pray to your respective deities or the mildly benevolent universe for me. I took mom's taxes to the taxman and am 98% done with that except for one piece of paper I need to find and then fax to him so that's good too. On the music scene not much going on right now except mom getting nice play on some folk radio stations which is awesome. If any of our DJ buddies read this. Thank you kindly.

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