Finished Second Draft maybe finished?

Jul 14, 2010 08:49

So I finished what is hopefully the last draft of my novel. It needs a little spell-checking and polishing of the last few chapters but I think i've got something that is actually publishable. I'm very excited about it. Which means I'm also sick to my stomach and think i'm gonna die. Its funny how you can get used to one kind of danger to your ego (playing music on stage, risking the hurt of a bad review of a CD you've made) and still the idea of getting a rejection letter in the mail from an agent scares the bejesus out of me. So if anyone has any ideas for an agent or publisher that I should try, please let me know. The story is strongly Urban Fantasy, with some sexy but not enough I don't think to be considered erotica, and with romance, but not strictly romance. Its really firmly in that sort of fantastic adventure with paranormal creatures in a modern setting, which is funny because I didn't try to make it anything and it just turned out that way. My previous attempts at full length novels have been really pretty romancy so the fact that this one isn't is interesting. (at least to me as I examine my own bellybutton.) So wish me luck and any advice is welcome.


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