Two days in a row...

Aug 19, 2010 11:36

So I'm excited to get to write tonight after work. Jason and I are on a schedule where we write three days a week after work for two hours at least. So far we've been mostly successful although life has a way of trying to get in the way, but we've been going to the cafe where we write on the weekends to make up for it. I don't know what it is about going to a cafe that's like going to the office. If you just stay home all the little chores that need doing will call to you and distract you, but when you're at some random other place its easier to be serious about it. Now if i could only find a way to schedule myself so that I did music on a regular basis like that too. Its hard to wear so many hats sometimes. On the job scene nothing new to report today. About to go on the job sites and see what there is to see. I loathe those temp companies that seem to eat up all the listings. I don't want to have to go interview and test with them on top of doing the real interview and testing. It just feels like a waste of time. Hopefully I'll have the little short story i've written ready to post here sometime this week. I am struggling with the, I don't know what its about aspect of when you just sit down and write as an exercise, but maybe it will be interesting anyway. Maybe it won't. :P Planning is probably everything in writing and I only seem to be able to do it in retrospect. Booo!
What are everyone else's pet writing peeves? Hummmm?

job search, writing

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