Right wingers have no souls

Nov 17, 2021 20:08

I won't give the right wingers the dignity of reblogging/sharing their memes, but I've been seeing a few memes from the right wing saying that Kyle Rittenhouse should be freed and encouraging him to take up arms again and murder more people.

Such a disgusting double standard. If any of the teabaggers back in Obama's time had been so much as injured by someone on the left, the entire right wing would have gone batshit crazy over it in a rage to last months if not years, and yet here they are cheering on a mass shooter for a round 2. None of the people on the right wing have anything even remotely resembling either a conscience or a soul. This was cross-posted from https://alex-antonin.dreamwidth.org/349548.html
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stupid people, politics

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