w a s d

Nov 19, 2016 00:37

since Black Friday is around the corner and there's a Gamestop right by where I work, I'm quickly descending into wannabe-gamer-hell again. I'm thinking of getting myself a 3DS ($99 during Black Friday!!!) and Pokemon Sun, because I got my brother Moon for his birthday. and I'll probably get him Until Dawn for Christmas because the South Park game (my original Christmas present both for myself and for him) has been delayed, and apparently he is into Campy Horror Stuff. though I think it's single-player only... I guess we can take turns or something?

the only TV in the house that actually works with my PS4, somehow, is the TV in what used to be my grandma's room. I'm actually kind of liking spending time in there. it's empty except for said TV set and an old mattress that folds up into a makeshift couch - and now my PS4 and games as well. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think it's necessarily disrespectful to want to put it to good use... but is turning it into my unofficial gaming den putting it to good use???

anyway. I started playing The Last of Us, and it's incredible how, despite my love for Undertale's you-don't-have-to-kill-anyone message, I still revert back to indiscriminately murdering everybody in front of me as soon as you put a (virtual) gun in my hand. I'm pretty sure TLOU is facepalming me at this point; I keep getting tutorials for how to sneak around enemies, and an NPC has already called me out on it. it's not my fault I can't figure out how to use stealth.

also, controllers are REALLY FUCKING DIFFICULT when you're used to keyboard + mouse. cue me pausing the game every five minutes or so to reexamine my controller and figure out which button is which and how to fucking sprint and jump.

tomorrow the first Saturday this month that I'm not working late (for no extra pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and my parents are coming home and if they're cool with it I'm gonna just lock myself in grandma's room and play video games until my eyes bleed or until the weekend is over.

two years ago I stumbled across pretty concept art for a pretty game with art direction by a designer/artist I deeply admire. fucking look at me now.

charlotte thinks she's a gamer, pointless post is pointless, game: the last of us

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