Thursday night meltdown

Nov 17, 2016 23:16

if you follow me on Twitter, I apologize for tonight's capslocked meltdown. I made the mistake of watching two dramas I'm emotionally invested in one after another, instead of indulging in SPN now and saving HTGAWM for later. can't be sharing my SPN nights with any other show, yanno? (I didn't even share it with South Park last year when both shows aired on Wednesdays, and that tells you A Lot.)

except. tonight was the midseason finale of HTGAWM and my curiosity got the better of me and now I'm sitting here completely fucking wired because holy. fucking. shit. I wasn't thrilled with much of this season (which I attribute to its wasting far too much time on Frank, whom I fucking despise), and I'm not sure how the rest of the season will go after this, and[HTGAWM spoiler]I'm extremely disappointed that they didn't kill off Frank, ugh, I don't hate many fictional characters but oh god when I hate someone, I haaaaaaaaaaaaate them with a passion. but....... whatever. I got to see other things happen that I was hoping would happen, and other things happened that I didn't see coming but deeply appreciated, and holy fucking shit was I blindsided by that ending.

and another thing.[HTGAWM spoiler]two characters I moderately ship together did A Thing. and then two other characters I also ship did A Thing. the latter Thing was not well-received on the show's subreddit, because their relationship thus far was characterized more as a parent-child thing rather than a Kissy Kissy Makeout thing. and all I have to say is, PORQUE NO LOS DOS?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! #alwayshere4parentchildincest

now. SPN.

[SPN spoiler]Sam being a little shit and outing Dean's continuing affinity for "animated Japanese erotica" to Jody is my everything ("embrace your hobbies"). possessed!Jody was fucking spectacular. I lost about ten years off my life when it seemed like Mary might consider going with Billie at the end there (which is the same amount of years I lost while watching the last three episodes of Breaking Bad, which I think says a lot). also - HUNTER WAKES! WORLDBUILDING! HUNTERS BREWING BEER AND HAVING DRINKING GAMES AND NETWORKING AND SWAPPING STORIES ABOUT EACH OTHER AND OHMYGOD THEY MENTIONED ELLEN!!!!!!!!!! ELLEN U GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also. fucking. LOVED. watching Sam and Mary watch the blood dripping onto Asa's forehead before looking up to find the dead dude hanging from the ceiling. (and correct me if I'm wrong, but Mary does remember dying on the ceiling, right? as in, she was still alive when John came into the room and she watched her own blood drip onto his hand?) (also - the part of my brain that's dedicated solely to Sam/Jess completely fucking short-circuited at that moment and is still in smoldering ruins not unlike Sam and Jess' apartment, Jess' body, Sam's hard-earned freedom, and Annalise Keating's house so I'm not even TOUCHING those parallels right now. I just. I need a fucking moment. I need a thousand fucking moments.) and the demon twisting the other dude's head 180º was metal as fuck.

and now that Mary and Jody have met, SAM AND DEAN HAVE TWO MOMS <333333 lol John who??? BOY BYE

I'm also tickled at how SPN and HTGAWM seem to be trading guest actors lately. we had Emily Swallow on HTGAWM last week, and this week[SPN spoiler]the dude who played Caleb Hapstall last season was the witch-raised brother/secret lovechild!

it's a good night for television, and therefore the world!!!!!

tv: htgawm, tv: supernatural

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