
Nov 19, 2016 22:30

i just finished playing a game about diving into an ocean that is equal parts kelp forest, coral reef, open ocean, abyssal sea, and ancient ruins in the style of islamic architecture.

also there's some cute little robots that follow you around for parts of the game. and some landmines that fuck you up.

also,[SPOILER]by the end of the very linear if sparse narrative of the game, you become best friends with a great white shark. and if y'all know anything about me, which i assume you do, you know that that is pretty much my one and only goal in this lifetime. some of the reviews i'd read called it a "chill game" with "very little emotional investment" which........ fucking lol. i spent the first half of the game chasing said shark and yelling at it to turn around and be my friend (honestly), and the second half crying - at first because it fucking sacrificed itself to destroy a giant landmine, and later because I GOT TO RESURRECT SHARKFRIEND AND RIDE IT AROUND VICTORIOUSLY AND NOW WE ARE BESTEST BUDDIES AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE FUCKING GAME.

night well spent.

charlotte thinks she's a gamer, game: abzû

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