Happy 2013

Jan 01, 2013 22:10

2012 was not without its trials, but certainly a good year for me. I started a new job in the spring with challenging content, a wonderful manager and competent colleagues. I've done a fair bit of exploring in the city (and have quite a collection of photos from here and there - interesting signs and graffiti and artsy things). I moved apartments and am living with two delightful roommates and sweet cat (which, after more than half a year, I think is starting to like me).

I was fortunate to escape any damage from Sandy. I saw a lot of property damage and heard stories about displacement and looting and power outages. My office's street in lower Manhattan was flooded and without power, but luckily I was able to work from home for a week, until the building was reopened and the subways were running. I joined relief efforts in Staten Island a couple weeks after the storm. The residents must have suffered, but they seemed in good spirits when we came through--all very kind and grateful and taking things in stride. There were many volunteers that day, helping to move wreckage or furniture, passing out food and running supply stations.

2013 will be a busy year professionally, socially and personally. I am improving the efficiency and quality of my work. I am pursuing new friendships and communities. I am starting to learn another language. I am teaching myself to be patient. A year for building foundations!

And also, not getting attacked by crazy people, because there has been a rash of Alarming Incidents within the past few weeks.

Happy and safe new year to all!
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