the best way to divide love is to multiply it

Dec 17, 2008 15:40

okay so i think its about time i write down what i really want out of life. i think the universe is on my side when i need it to be and i need to quit fucking with it so it can give me what i really need. there is not anything wrong with being selfish. we hurt ourselves enough. and enough is enough!

my dreams:
* owner of raw cafe (soul food alive) w/ yoga classes on some mornings, and childrens art classes other mornings. local aspiring artist can bring their artwork and it will be hung and they can sell it making 100% of the profit in exchange for promising to contribute to a community garden that will be grown for the community every year.
the cafe will have will also host guest speakers to begin informing humanity of all the things we need to do to prepare ourselves for a shift in conciousness. besides all that lovely stuff we'll have juicing salads desserts and a seasonal changing menu.

* i wil bring people into my home and uncook for them, fill them with juices, educate them, exercise with them, EVERYDAY. it would be like a retreat for people with "incureable diseases" such as cancer arthritis autism obesity and the like....

* i will live by the beach and swim in salt water, do yoga every morning to the sunrise.

* i will live in a collage sorrounded by fields of flowers. there will be a orchard of fruit trees, olive trees specifically, herbs, and i will live by the day and night light.

* i will fast for 3 months while detoxing through a paintbrush.

* i will have an art show displaying all the artwork i've ever completed, then burn it all down in a giant bonfire in which the closest and craziest of my friends will be presesnt. we'll dance around the fire expanding our conciousness. drums, maracas, naked and all...

* i will climb mountains, i will visit the depths of the ocean. new zealand, puru...

* ill find people and a place that i know. something that helps me understand where i am from, past lives, understand my souls karma and learn how to let go of it.

* i will be free from money worry. I'll receive a lot of money then meet someone who will teach me how to make it grow bigger.

* i will stop inviting vampires into my life.

* I will be surrounded by people who are motivated. souls that understand being here NOW. souls who done even understand judgment bases on a persons histroy.i wont be my HISTORY.

* i will get a colonic everyday for a month.

* i will invest in a good, consistant juicer.

* I will spend time in nature everyday.

* i will own a truck. which i will convert to H2O.

* i will wear sandles and let my feet breat and be close to the earth.

* i will quit wearing shoes in the summer.

* i will quit working for someone who is underappreciated by who they work for.

* I will plant fruit trees. how can you beat that? fruit and clean air!

* i will sleep under the stars.

* i will get over my social anxiety by understanding and accepting myself.

* i will listen to myself, stop burrying fears.

* I will live to be over 100 so i can do all of these things.

* i will stop waiting for the universe to unfold and make changes with the universe.

This is all for now. But i'd like to ask you guys some questions. I know matteroffactly that i can sit and listen to people or observe what they are doing and see solutions and have good suggestions for them. its hard for me to do that for myself. its hard for me to even tell people what i think b/c i think people dont have the right mental state to see it as anything except rude judgement. im always editing my words. but for the life of me, please give me your honest opinion. i am really wanting to be compassionate to everyone but i know i am only compassionate to insects, bugs, animals, trees, and nature, most people i come in contanct with at work. but mostly not the people i see daily and people i am close friends to. i am trying but its just another thing im working on so give me your input. what do you say or think about me when im not in the room? what should i work on? what could i do to better serve the world? how could i have a better relationship with you? with the divine? with everything? I think i have a right to know your opinion. ill be okay with whatever you say. i just want to see things i cant see sometimes, thanks
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