a week ago today

Dec 12, 2008 00:33

a week ago today I woke up and i was a different person. something changed in the air, something changes in my head. it was almost like all of a sudden there where nerotransmitters regenerating in my brain. with the addition of more blood flowing to my heart. Ive felt mor grounded, balanced, and i can even express my self more effectivley. ive felt very powerful lately and i entend on continuing to manifest that strength everyday. hell somehow ive even managed to move on in placed i imagined i would be stuck in for another year. somehow seeing your face, and beng in your presence doesnt excite me anymore. i dont get one lick of arouse. i wont say that i dont miss being someones girlfriend, but i dont miss being yours.
Once I felt this transformation I knew that i had to study the stellar energies in the skies. What i found out was every sign just happened to move out of a 12 year transitional period. wake up everyone! if you didnt feel this break-down followed by break-through, your sure to see it soon! get ready for an interesting year. dont forget where you stand, dont forget about your intention. you know that it doesnt matter what kind of icon you are, it matters only that your doing whats right for you at that moment in time. because really, all we have is this one little moment in time to burn away the darkness. be light, and spread love, truth of love, and compassionate love. live, love, be. take no prisoners. lighten up. go with the flow. speak from your heart. shed your old skin. reach for the stars. it's what's inside that really counts. you dont have to be anything you dont want to be. you dont have to be poor, fat, shy, ugly, retarded, black, white, or frustrated. thats all that you created. love you and everything that comes with you, this is where you chose to be so be there. dont live in the past or wait on the future. the more you start thinking about how (___insert whatever you want here____) you are, then the quicker it will be there. jus as soon as you believe it, in that one second your DNA will begin to transform you into you. IT ONLY TAKES 30 DAYS TO REPROGRAM YOUR MIND. you can be anything you want to be. there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself. there is however mental, emotionl, spiritual, and physical implications of doubt, hate, disrespect, and disimpowerment to your self. your self is your soul. accept you and focus on good, then changes begin to occur. i cannot say enough that whatever you focus your mind on, is what you will create in your life.
Okay, i have made a great example of this by begining to talk about jerid in my blog, thenredirecting my mind to my spiritullity, or my soulwork, and now this blog ends happy as opposed to how it would have ended if i was not aware of how powerful my thoughts are. being aware of what goes through your mind is a good place to start. spending time alone is he easiest place. i like the tarc because it is at a moderate pace for thought. i am not rushed, but you can pick a parking lot, a park, the mall, really anywhere but i dont like to pick walmart if you know what i mean.
now just sit there. someone walks by. now pay attention to what you think in your head(feelings) and then pay attention to how that feeling made you feel (emotion). what you feel about something influences your emotions. your emotions, if not observed or let go, or accept, can be "swept aside" "put on the back burner" or whatever. this is manifestation. all day every day. pay attention to that. silence is beautiful. i can say i love sitting in a room with many people not talking. when your in a room with comfortable silence, you know you've found valuble souls. im just typing as this comes out of my head but im sure it will help someone becase i have all intentions of helping anyone by telling them how i help myself.
last night i prayed for all of you. i prayed for 14 different people individully, then i prayed for everyone together. i cant put into works what kind of things happen when you quit talking to yourself, and talk to the divine. whatever word suits you best, i dont care. but i used to think i was have a spiritual connection with all life when i was doing yoga or whatever. but that was for ME, that was spiritual training for ME. when you train spiritully for the god within you, you kind of feel this sense of carelessness. not in a bad way, but in a way that allows all that tension,filth, and dirt to fall right off you. like you have been bathed. kind of like being born again, or babtised (i dont know how to spell that hahah). anyway, i can stray back and forth from subject to subject but i want to give you one more thing to do if you dont do anything else. here is something to experiment with. it is how to tell a lie from a truth. okay. sit somewhere nice and comfy, take 3-4 deep breaths (down in your stomach or lower, not in your cheast) close your eyes and think about something you love the most. something you kow for sure you love with no doubt in your mind whatsoever. now focus on that thing with your eyes closed and just keep all senses open to whatever you feel. anything at all. now even if those effects where subtle, try and keep a small awareness of what you where feeling. NOW go do something else for a couple minutes like water the plants or pick up the dirty clothes on the floor or feed the pets. then get back in your comfey spot and think about that thing you said you loved so much before. now close your eyes, take 3-4 deep breaths, and say to your self you hate that thing. think about how you hate it. and pay attention to how you feel when you tell your self what you know is a lie. just stay open towhatever you feel dont try chang it or feel bad for saying you hate something.
now you know the difference. what happened to me what when i said i love my mom (a truth) i felt my "councousiness" open, like my head expanded and my heart expanded, and i saw a red colour cloud in my head. i felt good of course. when i said i hate my mom, i saw a blue cloud come into my vision. i felt cold, my cheast got tight, and i kind of felt nauseated. SO IN CONCLUSION: well whatever. i dont have one. just do what works for you :)
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