DDR and checking things out

Sep 14, 2011 21:38

Yesterday I tested out a pair of dress shoes I was wearing a lot at the start of the summer and not much since then. I put a 3rd party 3/4 size arch support in (the full size, Powerstep supports my doctor recommended don't align right with my feet in those shoes). I was walking in to work when I concluded it wasn't enough support; by the middle of the afternoon, that familiar pain in the area of my 2nd/3rd metatarsals was evident.

I have some of the symptoms of a micro- stress fracture of my 2nd metatarsal, but if I do it's super mild. The thing that makes me think that it's a true fracture is that if I touch my 2nd toe and try to wiggle it, I get a minor but noticeable shooting pain. Curling my toes feels slightly sore. However, I don't have other symptoms I should. Clearly, doctor visit is to be scheduled. This isn't just a DDR strain; something else is going on.

Anyway, despite some achiness yesterday, it felt better this morning. I wore my usual Sketcher sneakers with Powerstep full foot support and there wasn't much discomfort when I got home.

So I figured what the hell. I did DDR. I'm feeling so enervated lately I know I need the exercise. If it makes my foot pain flare greater, that'll just make it easier to point out where it hurts.

The session went well, actually. I did 40 minutes, not going nuts. I hardly lost any skill or ability to play in the 2 month break. I did make sure that I stepped squarely and evenly as possible (sometimes in the past I would stretch out my foot to an arrow and 'toe tap' a series of arrows). The foam core pad does feel like it provides some support to my arch, even though it isn't total contact. I could have gone longer than 40 min, but I felt I got my metabolism up and I'm not trying to break a foot. It'll be interesting to see how it feels tomorrow.

ETA: next morning, no discomfort at all. Interesting.

health, ddr, daily exercise

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