Black & White

Apr 07, 2010 13:22

I contemplated a bit on writing this entry because I've become too lazy to write. :/ Anyway, here I am and wasting some braincells on blogging. hoho

So.. I just finished watching Black & White (Pi Zi Ying Xiong), a Taiwanese police drama which revolves around two cops, Wu Ying Xiong and Chen Zai Tian (Pi Zi). They do not get along most of the time but the beauty and hilarity of the story lies between the relationship of the two. Then you add another character, Chen Lin, the only daughter of the biggest and most powerful mafia (gang) in Taiwan, San Lian Hui. Chen Lin becomes friends with Ying Xiong and Pi Zi and the story becomes more awesome than it already is.

So there. A non-spoiler summary of what the drama is about. <3

Well, I wrote this blog to express my utmost AWE at this drama. Seriously. You gotta love the Chinese people if you're looking for some awesome police butt-kicking and almost real mafia action. Take my word for it. The Chinese does it best. I've watched epic Chinese movies (both TW and HK ones) with these main themes and I could compare 1. the plot 2. the action and 3. the actors (and their face value, of course haha) to Hollywood and foreign films. Actually, I am not really that much police/mafia action type of movie watcher but I enjoy the genre. And in Black & White, you get everything-- the plot, the action and the actors.

So let's take it off from the plot.

The plot is drop-dead awesome. Some people might not like it but well, I don't care? Coz for most of those who'll start watching it, the content of the story just leaves your jaw dropped open whenever they have these cases and who did what and who ordered who to do this and that. With that, you keep on watching and watching and watching. Then you find out it's down to the last four episodes. (BAH. When I was at that point I was like "OMFG WHY IS IT ENDING!! D: lol) It's just.. spectacular! The mystery, thrill and suspense of police drama is totally there. In fact, I was actually overwhelmed with the plot. Every episode is a piece to a puzzle and there were no unnecessary scenes. When you thought that this girl had disappeared forever in the drama's first few episodes, you're wrong. She had a total (badass haha) comeback at the last episode. :) To put it simply, it was an unexpected drama. Of course, it had predictable parts but every plot has it, right? :)

The release of Black & White actually leveled up Taiwanese drama not only because it was a high-cost production (you can actually see it when you watch the drama) but also because of the witty plot. Most of TW dramas nowadays (or during the time it was shown) were lousy. Probably there were some who stood out, like Aisha 17 (Angela Zhang. I've yet to watch it but I've heard good reviews. It's a crime drama.) but majority were cutesy (some are over the top. :| with high pitched voices D:) idol dramas. :| Well, they were good. As in they can make me laugh and go awww, but the plots weren't different or didn't stand out. Whereas Black & White had a lot of ironies which is probably the most vibrant theme of the drama. And it was what I loved about this one. You'd actually be surprised with the amount of irony in the drama. Even the names of the lead are actually ironies. Pi Zi, Chen Zai Tian's (Vic) nickname, means someone who is a freeloader or is too carefree with life. While Ying Xiong (Mark) means Hero. With the 'ironic' undertone of the plot, it just secured the story elegant and smart dialogues. :)

Second point, action.

I am no expert in action moves but I do enjoy watching butt-kicking (including swords fight. Well, believe me or not, I actually watch Chinese movies for the sake of good swords fight. :) ) and exchange of bullets between warring sides. And because I enjoy watching these kinda stuff I can tell if it's lame, lousy, good, awesome and bad. I can't say the fight scenes of Black & White weren't all "omfg awesomee", they were good. I mean the choreo of the fights were entertaining and it adds to the suspense and thrill of the drama. And I think this is the only drama I've watched which dealt with Arms trade and drugs at the same time. So add up to the action of the story, doesn't this one make a good action drama? :P

Lastly, the actors.

Ok. This is the best part. Well, kind of? I'm a teenager and my hormones are you know, active. xD So in every drama that I watch, I can't help but continue watching if the male lead is a hot dude. Well, Mark Chao has done his job well. I'm actually happy that he got a Best Actor award for this drama, because his acting in this drama showed diversity. He almost made me cry too!! D: But if it was my sister who's watching, she'd probably cry on most scenes. lol.

Anyway the cast was superb. They were mostly good looking. :) Even the villains omfg. From Gao Yi (the drug dealer) to Boss (the leader of Sarkozy). XD <3 And because of that I enjoyed this drama, two-fold! xD

Aside from that, their acting skills are quite convincing. I've seen some previously in other Taiwanese dramas and can say that they actually improved in this production. And the number one in that list would be Vic Zhou. Alright, I admit it, I didn't like him during MG days. I mean Hua Ze Lei? WTF MAN. He was like a damn sissy! LOL. And then my dislike carried on the Vic Zhou-self. Didn't watch his dramas and stuff. I didn't even watch Mars. XD But probably, I will, now. Because wow. Vic is seriously awesome in this drama. I thought he could only do silent characters but this drama was 180-turn from his previous characters. I even stopped Mei Wei Guan Xi (Sweet relationship with Patty Hou- Jay Chou's ex gf) because his character seemed snobby and grumpy. lol His acting is just.. wow. Totally refreshing. :) The casting crew did awesomeee. And continuing with Mark Zhao, I was surprised that B&W was his first project as an actor. Seriously, his "JING CHAAAAA" (police) lines, where they are in a rush and actually tell people that they are policemen, are just screaming hotness and epicness. 8D I can never forget that. Most of all, Ivy Chen who played Chen Lin. Damn. I so love her. Her character was played very well. She reeked of "Yea right you shiet. I'm the daughter of San Lian Hui" but she also had this sweet girl image and is a loyal friend. I think she has a very dynamic character and she'll be one of my most favorite characters in the drama.

Overall, I really recommend this drama. You get almost everything in this one: romance, action, mystery, suspense, humor, thrill, hot guys, sexy-kick-ass women, and most of all the wisdom of irony and unpredictability. Oh wait, that was everything, right? :)

love, drama, oh yeah!, black & white

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