I've done a bunch of traveling over the last few weeks in between working. Here are some pictures I took along the way. (Not dial up friendly!) (You can right click->view image if you'd like to see these larger.)
There was a nice sunset when I got home on my birthday in December:
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Hope Texas didn't bore you to death ;D
Texas wasn't boring at all! I loved it- especially the weather. We did go out to several good restaurants. It was strange to have them wait on the women first and then go back and take the men's orders.
Do you have any idea what bodies of water those are in first Texas pictures I have? I was thinking about searching for them in Google Earth. They were when we were just outside Austin.
Wow putting me on the spot with the body of water question. I hate to say it but I have no idea *fails* you have a better chance at answers with Google Earth. I think the first one is of Lake Travis and the other Lake Austin.
One of the girls I was rooming with is from around Dallas too. (She brought her Supernatural S1 DVDs and got our roommates hooked by watching it every night.) We flew right between Fort Worth and Dallas on the way back. (We were directly over DFW Airport at one point.) I was kicking myself that the battery on my camera had died. Otherwise I might have had some cool pictures.
:P Thought it was worth a shot. I found one: The lake is Granger Lake. Not sure about the river yet.
I heart season one! Sorry you missed out on the pictures because of your batteries. Maybe the next time I fly out of DFW I can remember to snap a few for you.
Well you were better at finding them then I was, good job! Sorry again for the failure.
We decided that season 1 > bar hopping. We had a good time, and it's fun to see other people getting sucked into the show. We made it about halfway through the season.
*clappy hands* I love taking pictures of cities I'm flying into or by.
I really didn't expect you to know, but thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Only found the river because Google Earth is awesome and let me rotate and angle the ground until it was in about the same perspective as the picture. So, props to Google! :P
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