(no subject)

Mar 18, 2008 02:13

Title: Bachata

Characters: Sylar/Maya

Rating: R (swears)

Word count: 1, 974

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: He finds her in a bar.

razycrandomgirl wanted a fic based on a dance theme, so here's mine. The UST will come in the next chap. Big thanks to
adharaphoenix for helping with the translations :D

Parts: 12

She had disappeared, no warning, just got up from bed that morning, taken the car and still hadn’t returned as the light starts to dim. A fat eerie sun, deep orange against the sky, sits above swollen sangria storm clouds which hang huge and heavy under it, casting every building within it‘s cloud-escaped rays an almost neon orange.

Sylar stands still, watching Alejandro come towards him with a face like the sky above.

“No sign of her?” He knows he can’t understand him but the query on his face should be clear.

“¡Nada!” He watches the smaller man suck his teeth with frustration, hand pulling at his hair. Suddenly it comes down as his face lights. "¡Una iglesia! ¡Maya podría estar en una iglesia!"*

Sylar frowns, shaking his head, non-comprehending. “What?” But Alejandro doesn’t answer, just ignores him and walks away. Sylar sighs “Where are you going you asshole?” He smiles, eyebrows rising as Alejandro turns.

“Iglesia.” He brings his hands together, praying but his eyes make a mockery of it. Sylar nods in understanding. Church.

“Right, I’ll stay here in case she comes back.” He points to himself and then the ground, smiling a stretched grin all the while.

Maya’s brother drops his hands and glares at him, no Maya to keep him quite. "Ojalá nunca te hubiéramos recogido. Ojalá te hubiera entregado a los coyotes como quería. Quiero sacarte los ojos cada vez que miras a mi hermana de ese modo, en lo que la has convertido. Bastardo."** He says the last word clearly and he smirks at the flush on Sylar’s face. He turns and walks away.

“God I can’t wait till you go. Or I kill you. Fucking cockblocker.” He knows that wasn’t quite right but in a way it was. Her brother was a total blockade, in everyway. “Well I’m gonna look to and I don’t give a shit if you end up stranded here because I’m going to find her first.” He shouts it to his back.

The truth was he was worried. He never thought of the possibility that she would leave them, she seemed much to dependant to do that. But apparently not it now seemed. He shoves his hands in his pockets and begins to walk around listlessly, craning up now and then to look at the tumultuous sky as it beings to rumble.


They had spent days doing nothing but talk and sing together. She loved to sing and wasn’t bad and he found himself enjoying it.

“The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round…” He smirks to himself and sighs, watching the rusty cars pass him in a wake of dust. The sun was almost set but the air was stagnant with heat and ozone, making his skin prickle and sweat. He unbuttons his shirt as he walks further up the road, following the cars that lead him to a parking lot. A low slung brick building sits squat before him, warm flashing lights and music spilling out onto the tarmac. Some sort of bar or club he thinks.

His eyes leave the building and scan the parked cars and it’s not long before he spots what he’s been searching for. He looks back at the building as he heads towards the Nissan, inspecting it more carefully before he reaches the car. He bends down to the window, cupping his hands around his eyes to peer inside. The orange peel that he had left earlier was still sitting on the dash but his eyes are drawn to the passenger seat. Her shorts lie neatly folded up on the seat and Sylar straightens with a frown.

The had all gone shopping in a thrift store for clothes and Maya had been looking at skirts, a long red one. But Alejandro and whispered something to her in Spanish and she had put it back, nodding with a light disappointment. But maybe she hadn’t followed her brother’s advice and now she was here.

“Found you.” He whispers, mouth curling at the edge as he heads towards the entrance and slips inside. The noise is the first thing that hits him, a thumping pressure that envelops him completely. He thinks it’s some sort of fast salsa beat, familiar to him now as it plays in never ending variations on the car radio. He inhales and he’s tasting cigarette smoke and the sweetness of beer; both scents are infused with the clean and unclean fog of human sweat. Body heat and the lights pulse around him warmly. He slits his eyes as the colourful light beams into his eyes through the dimness and he heads forwards into the crush of people that cram the place.

He can’t understand anything, even if the lilts of the tongue are familiar to the ear but he doesn’t care what they say, he just needs to find her. He manoeuvres around the back tables, seating quite couples having drinks and snacks but can’t see her so moves deeper, raising his head to look towards the bar situated against the wall on the right. Getting shoves and drunk glances he makes it there but with still no luck. He sighs and his eyes roam over the bottles.

“Si?” The bar tender asks, tilting a glass at him.

“Erm…no, no thank you.” He shakes his head, smiling politely and then drops it as he turns, leaning against the bar. He’s with a group, ranging from child to grandparent, all watching the dance floor.

There’s a part of him that doesn’t want to look, had been avoiding looking since he came in. No before that, since he saw her with the red, slinky fabric in her hands. He lifts his eyes from the wood floor and lets them wander with a lightness, as if not to snag on any gleam of familiar skin or flash of hair. But he spots her almost immediately, his eyes drawn to her like she’s a lodestone. He breaths in the warm smoke and can’t swallow it, his muscles unmovable like his eyes.

Maya’s dancing, Maya’s swaying and swivelling. With some man, a man who’s face he can’t make out and doesn’t want to. Just for a moment, for a split second he thinks he’s watching two people have sex, right in front of him on the dance floor. And it suddenly feels like he’s filed with currant, an engorged sparking crackle that runs through him and over him, burning lava thick. His eyes are flames in the dark.

He could say with some assurance that he had never meet anyone so physically sensual as her but with not a shred of awareness to it. At least she never seemed particularly bothered about her appearance, happy with a shower a day, if they’re lucky, and the rake of fingers through her hair to style it. But watching now, dressed in the maroon vest he’d seen her in earlier and the new skirt he has to quench his presumptions. She was padding around lightly, the skirt hem licking around her shins.

Maya is straddling the man’s right thigh, and he does the same to her and they grind their groins together. Sylar watches her hips swivel fast from side to side, the man’s hand at the base of her back. Her top rides up there and he can see it’s tactile, skin to skin. Their other hands are gripped together, next to their heads. His eyes begin to water from the smoke prickling his unblinking eyes. A half perceived thought flitters into his mind that’s he’s breathing too heavy, to laboured but the music covers it.

His eyes trail down her shining legs, gleaming with sweat then back up slowly. He counts a beat in his head: one, two, three, four as they both lift their knees, swirling around, grinding down and then back up again. He rises his eyes to her hair, watching the dark mass wave as she does. Her whole body seems to be moving to some primal rhythm, something that he can only label as sex. Maya is separated from her partner and then twirled around fast, brought boldly back against her partners chest and she starts to grind her ass into his privates.

And it’s then, as he sees her face, he almost looses it. He’d been flirting with her for weeks and she’d been tentatively participating, as much as possible before her brother caught on to them. At first he wasn’t even sure how it happened, growing bored of the monotones landscape he had begun to stare at her, her hair in particular. And she never seemed to mind, casting quick furtive looks with lowered lashes and a small smile. But that was it, just heated looks and his fingers briefly, hungrily, brushing over her dark locks.

Now she was all but fucking a stranger in front of everyone and Sylar feels that grabbing, greedy thing in him rise. He had grown from amused to frustrated with Alejandro’s hold over her and would sometimes be hit with impulses but he quashes them. But not now, not with her like this. This isn’t safe, she was safe before, she didn’t throw herself loose like this with him and he was half thankful for it because then everything was still up in the air, undecided. She never knew she had him in her fist, tight and leashed.

He moves a hand down to his jeans, the front of them beginning to stretch tight with a growing erection. His mind and face flush with an old buried feeling and he swallows finally, convulsively. He wants to turn away from her but her eyes finally lock onto his. They widen, shocked before they dart over his face, down, down and then quickly up. And she’s got a new face, half lidded with a smoky drunk gaze. She sucks in her bottom lip slowly and then it protrudes again, shiny and wet.

He groans in his throat as his hand twitches towards the hardening swelling in his pants. This man, this man that’s got his hands and body on her suddenly dips her, hand buried in her hair and the other at her back. Maya throws her head back, her hair fanning out and then suddenly flinging up as she’s lifted back, her cheek pressing to his and they swivel intimately around. Her eyes are closed, lost.

Then he’s darting forward, banging into people to get to her. When he’s there, waving before them, his breath billows in and out and all he can think, feel is MINE, MINE, MINE. They don’t see him as the man twirls her and she’s swung into him. And just for a moment she’s pressing to him, her knee slipping in between his legs and her arms coming around him as she gyrates against him. He’s breathes in her smell, the musk of her shampoo and deodorant and the sweetness of liquor before she’s stumbling back. Or he is.

“Gabriel?” Big eyes look at him innocent but he’s not fooled. He’s staring at her too hard, too much but he can’t hold back. Her dance partner comes forward and Sylar shoots him a look and he backs off, hands rising.

“Time to go Maya.” His hand circles her arm and he pulls her along, his grip sliding down her skin to ring her wrist.


*Church! Maya could be in one!
**I wish we had never picked you up. I wish I had handed you over to the coyotes like I wanted to. I want to stab out your eyes every time you look at my sister like that, what you’ve made her become. Bastard.

This is the dance :x

saya, fic: bachata, heroes

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