(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 21:03

Title: Summer . Part Two (complete)

Characters: Gabriel/Eden.

Rating: NC-17

Word count: 1,790

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: They rest on a summers day.

Note: Gift!fic for 
sinemoras. Set in my Gabden nano 'verse "Trick or Treat." (so it's very AU) FLUFF and now SMUT, lol.

Parts: 1, 2

Gabriel frowns in his sleep, eyelids flickering before they open. The sweat was trickling down his skin and he shifts, irritable with the heat. He stops when the woman in his arms stirs.

“Gabriel?” The back of her head kneads into his chest as she arches her stiff neck.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” He un-loops his arms from around her and stretches them over his head with a sigh. She sits up, wriggling on his lap which makes him wince.

“What is that?” Her face turns to him with a grin.

“My book, you’ve been sitting on it for hours and now I’ve got a dead leg.” His hands hold either side of her waist and he lifts her easily as she scoops the offending object out from under her. She peers at the title quickly before placing it next to him on the blanket. “God! It’s unbearable this heat.” He draws his arm across his forehead.

“Sorry.” She sat back down heavily, face mischievous as he puffed a breath out. He drew her back against him with a smile.

“What did you think it was?”

“Well I know what I thought it was in the dream I just had…” Both their voices were light, playful.

He bent his mouth to her ear, lips brushing around the shell. “And what would that be?”

“Something that seems to have melted with the heat.” She laughs, getting up to turn to him. He raises his brows at her, lips curling with mirth.


“Yes. It was a grave disappointment…” She rises up on her knees, grinning while her fingers pluck at the neck of her dress, trying to circulate some air. “And now you can’t walk, I’ll have to get help to bring you home. My husband has been defeated by the weather and left his poor wife-” She’s cut off with a shriek as she’s suddenly tackled to the grass, Gabriel straddling her with a wolfish grin. Eden laughs up at him. “He’s not invalid!” She gasps in mock shock.

“No, I’m not.” His voice purrs out from above, his eyes gleaming. She places her hand at the back of his neck and pulls him down for a kiss, soft at first but it grows deeper and hurried. He lays himself down on her, resting on his elbows, as his knee prises apart her legs. Eden brakes away from the kiss, sucking in air with a red mouth and flushed face.

“I feel like I’m getting baked alive here. Lets go back under the tree?” She places her hands on his chest and he nods, rising up with a hand under her back to bring her with him.

“Take your dress off, you can hang it on a branch.” He was already starting to unbutton his shirt. Eden looks in the direction of their house with a frown, fingers on her laces.

“They can’t see this place from the house.” He draws her to him with a smile. “And no one will come, it’s our land.”

Her lips quirk and she titles her head, fingers undoing the laces. “And what if someone does come? Some trespasser?”

“I’ll kill them.” He says with a smile and sits down at the base of the tree naked, holding out his arms for her.

Eden raises her brows. “For trespassing or to preserve my modesty?” Her eyes travels over him, his body still making her flush after years together.

“Both.” He watches her shimmy out of her summer dress. She had decided wisely not to wear a hoop under it but just her chemise.

“Or I could just tell them to go away and forget.” She winks at him and drapes the dress over a low hanging branch, hands smoothing the fabric over the limb. She steps in front of him and he reaches out for her, hand skimming up under the white cloth, sheer in the light.

“You look beautiful. Shining.” She draws the fabric up and pulls it over her head with a relieved sigh as his hands rub up and down her legs gently before scooping her down to sit on his lap again, her knees straddling his thighs. She delves her hands into his hair, combing through it as she kisses him with a slow burning heat. His hand reaches between her legs and his stimulating fingers find her ready and wet while her hand reaches down for him and she takes him in a fist, fingers trailing along his length before she rises herself up and positions herself. She sinks down on him smoothly and they both sigh.

She rises and falls with an easy paced rhythm, not working for anything, just enjoying the sensation of him and the building friction. “Try to come back as soon as possible. I don’t want you to miss next week.” It was their anniversary, ten years.

His hands that had been gently fondling her breasts stills and he looks up at her. “I’ll be there, I promise. They don’t need me there for long, just to check the progress of the products.”

“Big success now, what you always wanted…” His eyes flicker over her face and he frowns at her fey, hot face.

“I wanted to be but I never thought this far, that I’d have to be gone from you.”

She leans forward and kisses him as he grips her hips and begins to push into her harder. “You’re the boss Gabriel, you can take the day off.”

“Leave it to my minions?” He chuckles breathlessly, eyes trained on hers as her movements become more demanding.

“Yes. Oh my -” He starts to rise, getting on his knees with his arm hooked under her bottom and the other at her back. He sits back down on his knees, hand moving to her thigh.

“Rest you feet flat on the blanket, knees bent.” She kisses him as she does it, twinning her arm around his neck as she manoeuvres into the new position, slipping free from him for a moment. He centres himself and thrusts up with a grunt. His hands move around to support her bottom, pushing her up with a force.

“I won’t last long like this…” She positions a hand behind her, leaning back on it as she presses her chest to him and begins to rock her hips hard, her feet taking the weight.

“Just tell me when…do you really want to be out here for hours?”

She laughs, her breath shallow as the sweat covers her skin. He pushes her back and bends over her to suck a dark nipple into his mouth, tongue twirling around the areola. Eden begins to moan, placing her other hand behind her and leans back completely on them, her head thrown back as she rides him hard and fast. Her legs ache from the strain, the thigh muscles tense under his fingers, skin slick. He arches up into her, lips leaving her nipple as he presses them to her mouth, their laboured hot breath mingling.

“Oh Gabriel, I feel like I’m going to faint. The air is so thick.” She says it with a laugh but he speeds up, hands gripping her hips, and begins to hit that magic part inside her with carefully angled strokes.

“Feeling dizzy? It’s ok, I’ll - god, god- I’ll do it now?” He’s so close, so close.

Eden moves back up, pressing against his chest tightly as she bounces and bucks on him, would have lost him completely if he wasn‘t matching her movements with his own powerful penetrations. “Yes! Yes! Oh god, harder.” Her hands reach into his hair and her fingers clamp down around the messy tufts fiercely as she draws his face to hers, kissing him feverishly.

“I love you.” He moans his love for her against her lips, rising up and bringing her down onto her back as he pushes her knees back up to her breasts and begins to alternate between shallow and deep thrusts, making the breath rattle out strangled from both of them. Her hands travel up and down his glistening back to settle on his hips, her palms pushing down as her own hips buck in a frenzy as her orgasm hits her. She gasps and whimpers loudly, clutching and pawing at him as her vagina contracts around his thrusting penis and he shouts out wordlessly. He had spent years holding himself back, waiting for her because he always wanted her to get there first, like it was a challenge that he had to win. His eyes squeeze shut as he comes hard and deep in her and he feels like she’s hotter then the sun. His orgasm flares brightly and then starts to fade but she glows below him, her hair wet with perspiration. He collapses, sucking in as much air as he could.

“Maybe we should have done this in the icehouse?”

“Mmmm, that sounds nice.” He borrows his face against her neck but their combined body heat with the sun rays was enveloping them in a baking heat. He raises himself up, shaking slightly. “I feel like I need to shiver.” He shakes his head in bafflement and she sits up, fanning her hand before her face.

“Do you think the servants would be very shocked if we went back with no clothes on, tell them to run us a bath?”

He laughs and draws them both up to a standing position. She looked down at herself and then him before her eyes flickered across the landscape, her mouth grew into a smirk.


“I feel very biblical right now.” She’s pulled to him, his smirk matching hers.

“No snakes will get you.”

She twines her arms around his neck, her body flush to his. “I don’t see your sword…”

He laughs at her, that old blush rising up. She could be quite saucy sometimes. “You quenched it.” She smiles and stands on tip-toe to kiss him before twirling away.

“Talking of quenching I really do need to bathe.” She sighs as she looks at her dress, handing limply in the breezeless air. Then her brows rise and she cocks her head as he picks up his shirt. “Go for a dip?”

“In the stream?”

“Or the lake…” She takes her dress and rolls it up carefully and begins to walk away, casting a backwards glance with her hand raised to him. He picks up the rest of his clothes and follows, lacing his fingers through hers. He looks up at the sky and sighs.

“I think the heavens will get to us first.” The rain starts to fall, warm fat goblets that soaks their overheated skin. They stand in the rain, laughing.

fic: summer, fic: trick or treat?, fluuufffff, gabden, gift!fic, heroes, smut!

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