From my journal 10 years ago:
Tuesday, February 24, 1998, Dumfries, Scotland
A lot has happened lately... I've been in Scotland for about a week and have extended my visit for the next two weeks. I'm visiting Linda, an e-pal I've had for over a year, and her daughter Jenny. My visit here has been very good... and my friendship with Linda has grown to be a strong love which we both feel for each other.
[a few things about she who must not be named here]
But let me accentuate the positive. Linda and I have fallen in love. We will persevere despite all the [goodwill?] from back in the States. I really feel my future is here in Scotland.
I was originally to go home yesterday but we decided we needed some more time together... [etc.] I'm looking into getting a job here in Scotland, but it looks like I need 6 months of residency here until I can get a job... Hmmm.
There's a lot more to this story but let me go over some of the sites I've seen in the past week.
Dumfries is best known as the home and burial site of Scotland's greatest poet, Robert Burns. Linda and I have visited various places relating to Burns, including Burns' house where we talked to a very interesting curator there...
I've learned a lot about Burns... including his bad habit of womanizing (while married). The Bill Clinton of his day.